Chapter 20 || I'll Be Going To Jail For Murder

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Thanksgiving with Roman King can go one of two ways.

The first is that we remain civil with each other for the day, while we're around his mom and his sister, or the second way is that we'll be at each other's throats as per usual, whether or not it's a holiday. The only way the first one will happen is if pigs fly.

My gaze locks on the scenery as we pass by Boston and make our way out to Cambridge, where Roman's family home is. The aroma from the steaming pie on my knit dress covered lap fills the car, as music from the radio is the only source of sound in here. Cara sits in the back with her earphones in, doing her best to block out the fact Miles is the one driving.

I see his eyes flicker to the front mirror more than normal, and I doubt the cars behind us are of great interest to him. An awkward atmosphere has surrounded them since we got in the car. If not for Miles and I talking, the car would have been a tense silence the entire way.

"Have you been to Romans for Thanksgiving before?" I ask Miles, since he seems at ease driving around this area with no help.

Miles nods as he taps away to the music. "Every year since we met, yeah. It's the same as why you aren't going back, too far. Plus, we usually have a game close to the holiday."

"Isn't that kind of strange that you have a hockey game the day after you've all loaded up on Thanksgiving food? It takes me a week to recover," Cara questions, now holding one of her airpods in her hand as she listens to us.

Miles's eyes flicker to the mirror, and he smiles. "Coach's form of torture, I'm sure."

"That guy has some weird ass kinks," Cara mumbles before putting her airpod back in and I shake my head.

"Momma King makes the best Thanksgiving meal. She always packs us leftovers to take back to the hockey house," Miles explains, and I can't help but smile at how she takes care of the team. "Don't tell my mom I said that."

After his comment he pulls up to Roman's house, parking up on the curb outside behind Roman's truck as two cars sit in the driveway. I'm guessing his mom and sisters. We all pile out of the car before heading up and before Cara or I can even knock, Miles walks straight in.

"Please tell me you don't just walk into people's houses without knocking all the time?" Cara questions as we follow him in more hesitant than he is.

"It's fine," Miles waves off before he leads us to the living area. As soon as we walk in, all three heads turn to us. Roman rolls his eyes and my eyes go to where his mom sits on the sofa along with a pretty woman.

"Dude, we've been through this. You have to knock, or Naomi will think you're an intruder and knock you on your ass. Remember the first time you just walked in before you even met her and she tried to hit you with a pan?" Roman stands up.

Cara and I look at each other in amusement before Miles speaks up. "I had a bump for two weeks. I was telling people it was a hockey accident because it was embarrassing to admit Naomi did it."

"Right now, Hollywood is more welcome than you. She brings food." Roman eyes the pie in my hands and I roll my eyes.

"If you keep calling me Hollywood, you'll end up with a pie to your face instead of in your mouth," I smile sweetly, and he smirks.

"And by law, as her best friend, I'll have to help," Cara raises her hand.

"What law is that? Cause I call bullshit," Miles scoffs and Cara goes to retaliate but Ms. King interrupts...thankfully.

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