Chapter 22 || You Tell Them To Go Fuck Themselves

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Cara is the person who goes with the flow. She doesn't stress about the little things and is the spontaneous one who would travel the world the very next day. However, when it comes to her artwork, more specifically showcasing her artwork to professionals in the industry, she is a nervous wreck.

Picking at my freshly manicured nails as I sit on the bathroom counter in the art gallery, my legs are crossed. One peeks out of the slit of my deep red satin knee length strappy dress that brushes against my skin.

Cara paces in front of me, her arms flailing all over the place and her actions are a stark contrast to her confident outer appearance. "Why am I here?"

I raise my eyebrow and part my lips. "Because you have an exhibit here?"

Cara rolls her eyes before turning to face me with her hands on her hips. "No, I mean I should not be here with the seniors who have this amazing artwork and two more years of experience. Was my professor high when she asked me? Seriously, she's eaten brownies in class before and I bet you any money they were weed brownies."

"Now you're being dramatic," I tell her as I jump off the bathroom counter and place my hands on her shoulders. "Get it together."

"I'm going to throw up," Cara fans herself with her hand and I shake my head.

"Cara, listen to me. Your artwork is amazing. You deserve to be here. Your professor wouldn't have let you if she didn't think you weren't. Ok? There are going to be people that love your art," I explain, and her eyes soften as a vulnerable look flashes across her face.

"And the ones that don't?"

I take my hands off her shoulders before smoothing my dress down. "You tell them to go fuck themselves."

Cara laughs. "See, we're best friends for a reason. Thank you and thank you for being here. It means a lot."

"Always," I truthfully state before I hug her. Pulling back, I grab my clutch that sat on the counter. "Now pull on your big girl pants or in this case dress. Strut out there with your head held high and if you see me fighting someone later because they said something about your art, you might have to bail me out of jail."

"Guess it's the least I can do if it's about my art." She shrugs and I nod my head. "Ok, let's do this."

Linking my arm through hers, we make our way out of the bathroom and back into the gallery. Elegance and poise energy flows through the gallery, radiating from the people dressed in formal event clothes to the waiters serving champagne glasses.

The gallery is now buzzing with energy, with more people having arrived since we were in the bathroom. Classical music plays through the building and soft chatter can only just be heard over the music.

Different displays surround the floor with the artists proudly standing by them conversing with anyone who comes by. My eyes flicker over to where Cara's stands seeing people over there and I nudge her before nodding over there.


She takes a deep breath before standing straight and strutting off to her display. Immediately conversing with the people there, including her professor. Smiling at her confidence, my eyes scan the gallery before landing on the gallery door that opens. Isaiah and Octavia walk through, looking like the most attractive couple in the room like always.

Miles follows behind them, buttoning his suit jacket up with a nervous look on his face. To my surprise, Roman follows in behind them, dressed in black suit pants and a white button shirt that has the sleeves rolled up to his elbows allowing his sleeve of tattoos on his left arm stand out.

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