Chapter 27 || I Cannot Leave Cara Alone

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I cannot leave Cara alone for two minutes.

Walking out the doors of Boston Airport, with my luggage in tow. My eyes scanned the area, and it didn't take long for me to find Cara, who is picking me up, considering she and a traffic officer are currently having words at the pickup area.

The Christmas period flew by. One minute I was arriving at LAX and the next I was leaving again. Back in Boston, I miss my family already, but Boston has a vibe about it I missed too.

The cold air of Boston brushes against my face, while the rest of me is covered once again in winter clothes. A very big difference to what I was wearing when I was back in LA. When I landed it didn't take me long to get my luggage. Only having one case, I immediately made my way out to the pickup area where Cara is picking me up so we can head to the cabin.

Being two days away from the New Year, everyone is now back in Boston. Cara and I are the last two to make our way to the cabin we are staying in to ring in the new year. With everyone else already there, we have an hour's drive to the cabin, which would have been longer if Cara hadn't packed me some clothes considering I didn't take any winter outfits back to LA with me.

"Miss, you've been parked here longer than the time allowed," The traffic officer says as Cara stands with her arms crossed. Both of them are talking loud enough to draw the attention of everyone standing around the pickup area.

"My friend's flight was delayed. Would you like me to drive off and then come back again to restart the time? Because I'll be back." Cara points to the already annoyed traffic officer.

"I would like you to follow the rules of pickup at the airport." He crosses his arms and I find the perfect time to intervene. Rolling my case alongside me as I walk over to them, I come to stand beside Cara.

"That's perfectly understandable. We'll be leaving," I announce my presence before I put my case into the back of the car as fast as possible, and we climb in. Cara waves to the traffic officer as we drive off, who I'm sure is cursing her out right now.

"What a dick."

"Is it hard for you to stay out of trouble when I'm not here?" I ask Cara, and she shrugs. "How was your Christmas?"

"I regret not taking your offer to spend it with you guys. Don't get me wrong, my mom didn't bring any guy to spend it with us, but she was out every night and had a revolving door," Cara sighs.

"I'm sorry, but next time you're more than welcome to," I offer, and she nods her head. "You missed out. Great grandma Rose was the life of the party as always."

"For 92 she is fast," Cara mumbles and I nod my head, remembering when she chased my Uncle Dylan on Christmas day after the mash potato incident. "Who won the hike?"

"Aaron. Dad had to carry him back down," I chuckle, and she joins in. "I took a picture at the sign and sent it to Roman, being clever about the nickname he has for me."

"Oh, I bet he loved that," Cara laughs, and I nod my head. "Anyway, we have an hour to go so...want to play a car game?"

The next hour of our drive is spent between talking about our holidays and random car games to amuse us. Moving away from the city, the snowy mountains come into view and soon enough, so do an array of log cabins. Parking up behind Roman's truck and Octavia's car, we get out, grabbing our bags from the trunk.

"Who found this place?" I ask Cara as we make our way to the door of the cabin.

"Octavia. She and Isaiah have been here before for weekends away," Cara says, and I scrunch my nose up.

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