Chapter 32 || This Cannot Be Good

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"Why is Boston so cold?"

Cara and I share a knowing look at Aaron's complaint, as we told him to wrap up before we left the apartment. Pulling the gloves off his hands as we walk into the warm restaurant, he glares at us.

A sign to not say one word about the fact we told him so. A waitress leads us to a spare table, and we all take a seat. Her eyes paying special attention to Aaron, who doesn't give her the time of day.


Usually, he'd be flirting up a storm and would have her number by now. Looking at Cara, who has the same thought as me as she knows how Aaron is, she shrugs as if not thinking anything of it.

Opening the menu, I check the time on my phone, seeing we have an hour before the hockey game starts. After Aaron and I spent the day together, we met up with Cara before coming to get some food before the game.

"What is it with you California pansies?" Cara throws her arms into the air, and I chuckle.

"Not all of us freeze during the winter months, Cara." Aaron points out and before she can retaliate, Octavia pulls out the chair next to Cara and across from me.

"Sorry I'm late. Isaiah held me up," Octavia explains, and I raise my eyebrow. She rolls her eyes at my knowing gaze of why she got held up. "You must be Lia's brother."

"That's me, Aaron." Aaron holds his hand out and she shakes it before introducing herself.

"Also known as the world's most annoying big brother," I joke, and he ruffles my hair.

"You're mad because I cockblocked you, or the female version of whatever that is." He scrunches up his nose.

"He what?" Octavia raises her eyebrow.

"He was in the apartment when Lia and Rome stumbled through in a pretty heavy make-out session." Cara smirks, resting her arms on the table.

"I am not relieving that experience, so let's move on," I insist and thankfully, the waitress comes back to take our orders. She rests her hand on Aaron's shoulder as she asks for his order first and he takes no notice. Once the rest of us order and she leaves defeated, I turn to Aaron. "What was that?"

Aaron raises his eyebrow before he takes a sip of his beer. "What was what?"

"I think she's referring to your blatant disregard of the very attractive waitress." Cara twirls the straw around her drink.

"Why is that so weird?" Octavia asks, confused.

"Because my brother will take any opportunity to flirt or get a number and he didn't," I explain before turning to him.

"I hate that you know me so well. No wonder everyone thinks we're twins now that we're older," He mutters before leaning back in his seat and sighing. "I may or may not be seeing someone."

"How come I'm only just hearing about this?" I slap his shoulder.

"How come I only found out you were when I had to see it for myself?" Aaron fires back and I wave him off.

"Roman and's complicated. Let's focus on you." I divert the conversation and he shakes his head.

"She's a physical therapist back in LA. I see her all the time when I go to see my clients if injuries occur. Anyway, I saw her downtown one night, and things took off from there," Aaron explains.

"I don't know whether to throw up at the meet-cute they had or be in awe of it. Meet-cutes are rare!" Cara taps her fingers on the table.

"What the fuck is a meet cute?" Aaron whips his head around to Cara and I snap my fingers in front of his face.

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