Chapter 5 - snow and confessions -

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Hey guys so my exams are over for a while so i am celebrating with giving you a chapter update !!!!!

You know you love me

Thank you for all of the lovely comments guys and ahhhh over 45,000 views and 450 votes i love you people so much.

This chapter is for you guys so here you go please






(Skylar Pov)

One week of chilling. One week of having fun. And One week free of bruises. It feels so good. Nothing couldn't make this better right now. I have my friends, my family and my amazing boyfriend and best of all our new tour starts next month. Tomorrow we have to start rehearsals though and have a meeting with simon, so today we are just hanging out by the pool again.

It has been snowing all week but luckily to the pool is under shelter and is heated. Having snow ball fights whilst swimming though is fun. Have you ever made snow angels in a bikini? You really should. Harry and Megane are currently snow bathing on a single deck chair and they look really cute if you ask me. The rest of us are in the middle of a full of snow ball fight though.

The teams were Lou, Josh, Zayn, Nikki and I verses Kate, Niall, Scar, Seth and Liam. I believe we are win. We managed to construct 3 walls on either side of the garden which we are using for cover and in the middle there is a giant snowman. He is our mascot. Don't Judge. He i wearing a beanie, stripped shirt and he is holding a bag of rainbow drops. Therefore we have named him rainbow. I told you not to judge.

Lou and I were ducked behind one of our snow walls with a pile of snow balls, ready to take fire.

'3,2,1.....ATTACK!' We both screamed before ambushing our opponents. One hit Scar in the Shoulder and the other hit Liam right in the nuts. 'Bulls-eye!' They both walked off in defeat and I laughed. Liam being a bad looser pushed Harry and Megane off of the deck chair before taking his rightful place on the seat. Harry only retaliated by shoving a snow ball in his face. I believe it is not his day.

The rest of us carried on with our war until their team was down to their last 1. Niall. I had gotten Kate out whilst Seth got hit by his own team. It still counts. We had lost Zayn and Josh, so now it was just Lou, Nikki and i left. Niall was strong but he is no match for us.

'Okay i say we just charge straight at him.' Nikki said as we huddled into a small circle. We both nodded before peeking over our hide out. I could see Niall gathering loads of snow balls whilst attempting to keep cover. I don't think he expected us to come charging at him though.

'CHARGE!' Lou cried and we all ran forward launching our snow balls straight at Niall. I even managed to shove one down the back of his shirt which resulted in him doing a funny dance. I do love those type of dances.

'WINNERS!' Our team chorused giving each other high fives. Did i mention there is a punishment for the losing team. Nope. The losing team has to stand with their back against the wall whilst the rest of us get to throw snow balls and buckets of cold water at them. Such fun.

'Turn around Horan. Time to feel the burn.' I sung and he shook his head before facing the wall. We lined up with our snow balls and water. It was already snowing so much, plus the fact that we are all in our swim costumes. So this will be freezing. If we get ill at least we will all be ill together. I couldn't help but laugh as they all flinched when the freezing balls of snow and water hit their backs. I'm so glad our team didn't loose.

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