Chapter 6 - When Everything Falls Apart -

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Hey guys...sorry about the wait but here it is!!!!!

Thank you so much for the lovely comments on the last chapter it means so much and so many of you were asking for an upload. So Tada.

Secret Twin has over 55,000 reads and over 650 votes AHHHHHH *fangirls around the room* and this sequel already over 100 votes. Thank you. Thank you. Thank

Did i mention i already have plans and ideas for a trilogy...hmmmm....I do!

Please check out my joint fanfic with my fellow musketeers and for all you fans of Harry Potter, One direction and Randomness, it should be perfect for you. it's called 'Undercover Magic' Please take a look if you have the time. @3musketeers x

Anyways Thank you again and please






(Skylar's Pov)

I chased Nikki into her room and just pushed my way in before she slammed the door. She ran to her bed, pulling her knees up to her chest and letting the tears out. I went over and comforted her, feeling slightly annoyed with my twin. It was obvious she likes him, so why did he have to go get a girlfriend. Without my approval as well. 

'Nikki it's going to be okay. Louis is just being a fool and just you wait until i get my hands on him.' I joked and she sniffled a small smile. 

'Thanks Sky. Look at me, i'm crying over a boy...your brother.' She choked.

'Don't worry every girl does. I don't what their obsession with him is. He is just my immature joker brother.' We both let out a laugh before giving each other a hug.

'Hey. All of us are going clubbing tonight after the meeting with Simon. You coming?' I asked and she looked down. I kept poking her as my way of trying to convince her and eventually she gave in.

'Okay fine. Just keep Louis away from me.' She pleaded.

'Of course I will and don't worry I am still having a talk with. I will give subtle hints and see if he works it out. I'm not getting my hopes up though.' 

The rest of the day went pretty well. All of us girls hid away in my room in an attempt to keep Nikki away from Lou. He still had Lucy round and she was starting to really irritate me. She has one of those annoying, fake laughs that usually Louis hates. Plus she dresses in slutty clothes and is coated in fake tan. He usually despises that sort of stuff, so why is with her. It makes me feel like something fishy is going on but i know who wouldn't tell me if i asked.

Whilst hiding away we managed to get through most of Xmen films which are just awesome and Hugh Jackman is fit for an older man. Don't tell Zayn i said that. We ordered pizza for lunch and Kate being Kate went all ninja like to collect it. I think that is one of her hidden dreams. To become a ninja. A ninja smurf. I swear that girl will end up in a mental home one day. 

We managed to cheer Nikki up and by the time our meeting with Simon was over, we were all ready to party. He said we started sound check in a few days but the tour had be pushed back slightly. To me, that just means more holiday time. 

We went to a club that evening, where we were taken to the VIP area to be kept away from fans. Zayn stayed by my side the whole time and neither of us really drank that much. The others however got smashed again. Well apart from Liam because even though he has two functioning kidney's now, he still acts like a father figure. 

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