Set yourself free (sequel to secret twin)

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Here it is guys, I wasn't quiet sure how to start it so it is a bit short but it's only the beginning

5 votes and comments for next chapter please???

Enjoy this my little ducklings


1 month. Nothing.

For louis, the past month had the been the worst. He barely ate, slept or even talked for that matter. Skylar hadn't moved once and it was painful for everyone especially Louis. Zayn was pretty much the same but atleast he ate, atleast he tried to cope. The Tomlinson's were always visiting, yet they refuse to believe this was happening. They were never going to give up on their daughter, sister. Not ever. All the wounds had healed except the deepest one. Doctors had no clue how long it would take for her to recover. No one did.

Today was the first day though that all of the 15 regular visitors received any sort of good news. The fragile young girl had begun breathing by herself. For once her twin had a small smile grow on his face and everyone was relieved when he began to eat. Zayn would always hold on to her, pleading for her to wake. To speak. Anything. They all would.

Fans knew of the situation and were sending never ending messages of hope and love to the family who crowded the girls room. Tours were cancelled but who could blame them. Louis would never agree to leave the room anyway.

When visiting hours ended, everyone were forced to leave but one always stayed. He only ever left to shower or change. Days were long and hurt the feathered haired boys heart so much.

When everyone left he would always tell stories of their past to the sleeping twin, praying they might help her to wake up. He gripped onto her hand with the tears trickling down his puffy eyes and calmly spoke.

"Sky, I'm so sorry for everything. It's all my fault. I know I say this all the time and everyone says I'm wrong but I never believe them. If I had just told someone the truth from the beginning, this wouldn't be happening. I...I just miss you so so much Sky. Please come back to me. To us. I need my sister back....we can annoy random strangers and eat carrots 24/7 just like we used to. Remember when we were 6, and we broke mums favourite statue and we thought she would be really mad, so we packed a small bag each with food, clothes and our favourite teddy bears and we went and hid in our secret place. When mum finally found us, we were asleep in each others arms, or the times when one of us was ill, so the other would refuse to go to school and would pretend to be I'll just so we could stay together. I miss those times.

I'll always be here for you Sky. You know that right? Everyone visits all the time, we all love you Sky, nothings going to change that.

Rianna came back did you know that? She helped everyone save us and she's waiting now to say hello. As weird as that may sound.

You have no idea how many times, my heart has broke seeing you like this. Completely broken. At one point you actually died and I felt my whole world crashing down, but then you came back. That must mean your still fighting right? Your strong Sky, I know you are and I know you will come back to me. To us. Please just open your eyes. Squeeze my hand. Just let me know you can here me....please.....please"

The hopeful boy would cry himself to sleep thinking everything would be alright by the morning. Everyone else though could see how thin he was getting, dark bags under his eyes and his skin was paler than usual. The only times he would actually sleep for more than 3 hours, is when the doctor would let him cuddle up next to Sky.

The young girl was always trying to wake up, but it never happened. It was hard, she could here everything they said to her and she wanted nothing more than to be able to reply. To tell them shes okay.

Being In a coma was a whole new world. A perfect world with just her and the people she loved. No one else could enter this world because it was her imagination. Her family and friends in that world tried to help her wake up but she had long way to go yet. It was just a matter of time.


There you go my little ducklings sorry it is not very good but hopefully it will get better.

So what do you think please comment and tell me. I like knowing what you think.

Follow me on twitter aswell if you want @1DNarnialou

So yeah thanks for reading my little ducklings x

Set yourself free - Book 2 -Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя