Chapter 10 - Turtles and Management -

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(Niall's Pov) 

Arguing with Liam is killing me. I feel like such an idiot. I don't mean to forget to feed his turtles, it just happens. Something will always distract me and most of the time it is food. I can't help it! I when I shaved his a couple of months ago it was just a prank, I didn't mean to hurt his feelings. Although the look did grow on him after a while, so technically he should be thanking me. 

I keep thinking of ways to make up to him but my mind is blank. his words still haunt me. I can't believe he called me lazy as well. I mean how can you call someone who when on tour jumps around on stage for hours, almost every day of the week, lazy. You just can't!

Liam is my best bud and I need to make it up to him, even if it is the last thing I do. We haven't talked for almost a week and I thought after the paint balling we would at least be on speaking terms but no. You know Liam is probably to most stubborn out of all of us. It is hard to believe, I know. 

I stare at the note pad on my bed whilst biting the end of my pen. So far, I had absolutely nothing written down for ideas. I am such a failure. Now I want pie. I blame Kate for my new deep love of pie. I took one last look at the sheet before picking up a pillow and burying my face in it, groaning. I then throw the pillow across the room and ripped the piece of paper out of the page, screwing it up

'Niall. What did that pillow and paper do to you?' Kate gasped and I looked up to her sighing.


'So why did you throw them. You hurt there feelings.' She said.

'I'm sorry Kate.' I replied, feeling slightly guilty now. Fortunately Kate has this way of cheering me up by coming out with the most randomest things. 

'It is not me you should be saying sorry to.' She fake sobbed, looking briefly at the direction I threw the paper and pillow.

'Sorry Mr pillow. Sorry Mr paper.' I called out and she smiled. 'Happy?' 

'Very.' She grinned. I opened my arms to hug her as she came towards me. I engulfed her in a bear hug which she happily sunk into. 'So, what made you be violent towards those the poor objects?'

'I can't think of any ideas of how to make it up to Liam. Please help me?' I asked, feeling exhausted.

'Sure. Don't get yourself worked up. Liam may be stubborn but he is also easily pleased. I am pretty sure he regrets shouting at you, especially seeing as your easily hurt too.' She said comforting me. How is she so good at cheering people up. 

'Thanks Kate.'

'Right! Ways to cheer up Liam. Stage 1. Section A, part...' She began rambling on before I interrupted her.

'Kate, your making this complicated and you sound like your reciting some old book.' 

'True but this should be a book. It could be a book. A book on how to resolve arguments in different ways because right now we need a whole load of ideas for the amount of arguments going on.' She  ranted in almost one breath. I let out a small chuckle at how adorable she is.

'Seriously though...'

'Fine. Okay, well Liam likes turtles right and he was angry at you for not feeding his  two turtles? Sooo, you should buy him a new turtle and then buy the turtles loads of treats to make up for not feeding them.' She stated and it actually didn't sound like to bad of an idea.

'So a new turtle. Got it. I wanna get him something else as well.' I began drifting off in thought, trying to think of another idea.

'Oooooh TOY STORY!' Kate cheered jumping up.

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