Chapter 8 - It's a start -

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Here is the next chapter guys and I wasn't actually planning on updating today so consider yourself lucky. 

I made a trailer for secret twin and here is the link which is also on the side --------> ... Sorry if it is not very good but it is the first time i have done something like this. So please tell me what you think.

Okay anyways Please






(Sky's Pov)

Zayn took me too a small, peaceful restaurant by the sea and it couldn't have been more perfect. There was no arguments or hyper friends. Just us two. I don't know how he managed it but he got the restaurant owner to open for only us. He entwined his fingers with mine, guiding me towards a table in the middle of the room. Like the gentleman he is, he pulled out my chair for me whilst I sat down. I couldn't help but smile the whole time. I watched carefully as Zayn lit the candles and sat opposite me. 

There was a comfortable silence as we enjoyed each others company. We both completely ignored the events happening back at home and focused only on us tonight. Once we finished our meal, we walked along the sea front enjoying the waves clash with our feet. Our arms wrapped around each others waist, watching the sun go down. Up ahead there were a few young children playing in the sand. It reminded me of when Lou and I were little which only made me smile more. 

Zayn lead me towards the peer which was empty. We strolled along it, talking about random stuff. When we came to the end, we both sat down with our feet dangling off of the edge. I rested my head on his shoulder and he rested his own head on mine. Pulling me closer he kissed my head gently and I melted into his arms. 

'Thank you for this Zayn.' I softly spoke, looking up to face him. His eyes glistened in the evening light and his mouth formed the perfect smile.

'Anything for you. Besides, it was good to get out of the house.' He joked and we both let out a small laugh. 

'True right bro.' I agreed and he chuckled at my weird voice. 

'I love you Sky.'

'I love you too.' The rest of the evening was as amazing as the rest. The only downside was at the end, we had to go back to the house. The house where nobody is talking and there is an awkward silence. We both decided that tomorrow we would put plan B into action. If any of them argued against it, we would literally force them. There is no way I could deal with this lot for much longer. I have already called in a secret weapon as well. An old friend from America who is going to help us get Scarlett and Josh to co-operate. 

The only good thing about a quiet is it makes going to sleep a lot easier. Usually there is at least two of us that stay up to the early hours of the morning and keep everyone else awake. Not today though. Tonight Zayn and I slipped into bed and wrapped ourselves together before drifting off into the most peaceful sleep.


We had called Uncle Simon in the morning and he told us we needed to sort out the situation fast. The boys tour starts in a few weeks and he doesn't need them arguing. Unfortunately i won't be touring with them this time. I will be working on my own album, then touring myself. The thought of being away from the boys though scares me. We have all grown so attached to each other I don't know what I would do. Niall is my food buddy and my little lucky charm. Zayn is my amazing boyfriend who i would be lost without. Harry is my freaky curly friend and my lazy buddy. Liam is the responsible one who keeps us out of trouble and Lou is my twin, my pranking partner. I can't live without these guys. Not now anyway.

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