Chapter 6 - Opening Eyes

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Brooke was alone; she couldn't see or hear any of the others which terrified her. Her arm badly stung but that wasn't her most pressing problem, creatures were everywhere. How could this have happened so quickly she wondered, whatever happened to the big fight back.

Darting across the park she spotted a few other survivors being cornered by creatures, with sadness she knew she couldn't do anything for them and their dying screams would haunt her for years. She was left wondering how long it would be until she became just like them.

Somehow she made it through the park and back along a street which was deserted; there was no sight or sound of anyone or anything. Spotting a pharmacy at one end she ran straight for it, she needed anything to slow the poison spreading through her although she knew the likely outcome but she had to try. Grabbing a pot of salt she applied it plentifully, she bite her tongue as it stung like nothing she had ever felt before but gradually it faded and she was left leaning against the wall in a daze.

Staring at all the items on the shelves an idea popped into her head, who knew what she or anyone else was going to face in the future so could she risk leaving them. Briefly checking around she began shovelling various items into her free bag, she half expected someone to come charging at her with a baseball bat and telling her to get lost but they never did.

Wrapping a bandage around her arm she checked out the major drugs cabinet which was fairly bare, she knew well enough the street value of many of those drugs and that someone would make a tidy sum despite the chaos around them. Taking what she could she began to plan her next step, where were the others, how could she find them and what will they do when they found out about the bite. Would she actually turn into a creature, they had all heard the stories of people who had been bitten but didn't change though few were taking it seriously as there was little evidence of these so called immunes.

Suddenly boxes went flying; Brooke ducked beneath the counter making sure she didn't make a sound. Daring a peek she soon wished she hadn't, a creature stumbled forward regularly hitting things with it swinging arm. She felt physically sick watching it so closed her eyes hoping it would go away, when she opened them it was gone. For a moment she was in shock then checked she wasn't dreaming, she was still human for now. Taking the chance she crept to the door and taking a few calming breaths she slowly walked down the road keeping her head down, several creatures fumbled passed taking little notice of her.

Another survivor raced past attracting the creatures, Brooke froze absolutely petrified though no creature paid her any attention. Their focus was on the other person, they hunted him down quickly and without mercy despite the speed they all moved. He made a horrible gurgling noise as he drowned in the sea of creatures. Brooke knew she had to get out of there and fast, darting for the nearest alleyway she hoped no creature would block her path. Thankfully she made it through without incident and found herself in another street with no creatures or anyone else.

"Brooke" exclaimed Chloe making everyone jump "where did you go, we couldn't find you?"

Brooke couldn't answer; she was too busy trying to stop herself from throwing up. Chloe hugged her tightly making her feel even more ill; finally releasing herself from Chloe she took several deep breaths to quell her queasy stomach.

"Now that we are all back together, shall we get out of this town" Ashana motioned, they all quickly nodded. Without hesitation she led them out of the danger of the town to the outskirts where they spotted less and less creatures.

Out in the countryside they rarely saw a creature, something must be drawing them all to the centre of towns and cities and it couldn't be just that there was more people in the built up areas. Was it some kind of instinct that still existed in their rotting minds, Brooke tried not to think about it as her stomach was still churning from her recent experience.

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