Chapter 9 - Rest Bite

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Conditions were getting worse by the second, even with the headlights they couldn't see much so Roland made the choice to stop for the night, a choice quickly accepted by the other two.

"Pull over there, this is getting ridiculous" he stated pointing to an alcove next to the steep side of a hill. Danny gratefully slowed the truck to a stop then flexed his hands as they were going stiff from the cold.

"What now" Brooke asked rubbing her freezing hands together.

"We climb" Roland declared then lurched out the truck, Danny and Brooke stared in terror at the hill both knowing what the others will say.

"Can't we just stay in the truck" Danny called after him.

"You can't have a fire in the truck" Roland called back. The pair reluctantly got out the truck and joined Roland around the back. Lauren was thankful to stretch her legs as they were aching badly however she soon returned to the truck when the wind blows furiously.

"Why do we have to climb" Chloe moaned looking up at the hill and already feeling the ache in her legs.

"The creatures can't climb so they don't even try" Roland remarked pulling bag after bag out of the truck, "there's easier food elsewhere."

They set off up the hill though some were rather reluctant. With every step she took Brooke could feel her legs burning and the pounding ache in her abdomen from the gunshot wound did not help. Danny was right beside her as was Hayden, she was flattered by their constant offers of help however they were getting rather irritating and wished they would pester someone else for a while. Higher and higher they climbed though she didn't know what they were looking for and it was quickly becoming apparent that Chloe was really struggling.

Coming up onto a fairly flat area they set their bags down and looked around. By the time the others got there Roland had already done a preliminary sweep of the area and found it amusing how out of breath they all were, Chloe practically collapsed when she and Drina finally arrived. Gently rolling her shoulders Brooke felt the pain ease a little although they still ached badly, she was not looking forward to how she felt in the morning.

With the light of the moon they could still see a vast distance though on any other night it would seem magical but right then it was just another reminder of how cold it really was, it also meant they could see a little of their surroundings without the use of torches. Once again Roland took charge much to the annoyance of Danny and Ashana though they suffered in silence as they came to respect his knowledge and ability.

"Right, you five collect firewood" he commanded keeping control "you four find some food, none of those crazy mushrooms Louis. I do not want a repeat of that thank you." Louis smiled darkly trying not to think too much about the trouble his little prank had caused. "Drina you go with them" Roland uttered gesturing to Brooke's group who were already bickering about what wood to get then he turned to Karen, struggling for a moment he revealed his job for her, "Karen you stay here and guard this area."

Karen glared at him muttering rude words about him under her breath; she slumped down onto a wet log scowling. Each person went about their jobs leaving Karen to her own disturbing thoughts.

"Why don't we split up, two pairs" Hayden suggested "we will cover more ground that way."

"Okay you two go together, we'll be fine" expressed Louis sliding closer to Chloe, she in turn moved slightly away trying not to look bothered.

"Great" Hayden stated though didn't sound convinced. Repenting he and Lauren set off in opposite direction, she looked worried knowing how foolish Chloe could be and not knowing anything about Louis.

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