Chapter 7 - New Hope Or Old Fear

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Brake, the truck jolted to a stop as Danny slammed on the brakes as something dashed passed in front.

"What was that" he quizzed leaning forward in the hope he'd be able to see something. There was something just out of the corner of his eye, he couldn't make it out but something was perched on the edge of the road. Suddenly something banged on the side window or was it someone.

"Get out" they commanded banging on the window again. Brooke slowly opened the door to see a short and rather fat girl holding a gun at her, Danny begrudgingly did the same grumbling to himself as he did. "Keys" the fat girl demanded holding out her shaking hand.

"No" Danny refused showing no expression except distaste, he was not going to be intimidated so lightly and had no intention of giving up the truck.

"You don't want to do this" Brooke began "we can help each other."

"I need that truck and you're not going to stop me so give me the keys" the girl was adamant though knew Brooke and Danny weren't going to give up without a fight.

"How about we all calm down" Ashana expressed appearing behind the girl, "there's room for all of us now isn't there." She nodded towards Brooke to agree.

"Oh yes plenty of room" Brooke agreed.

"Plenty" Danny grumbled. The girl seemed to deliberate but her mind didn't change, all the while Ashana edged closer and closer.

"Give me the keys or I'll shoot" the girl threatened although none of them took her seriously.

"Well I've already been shot today so could you aim for one of them" joked Brooke believing the girl wouldn't actually shoot.

"Not funny" Danny bit at her.

"Do you know what shooting someone actually feels like, I do" Ashana warned, she hesitated before revealing the reality of it. "It stays with you no matter what you do, no matter how much time goes by. It always stays there in the back of your mind gnawing at you constantly. You don't look like a bad person so it will be much worse, killing someone without a reason will haunt you forever. Now you don't need the whole truck for little old you now do you." Ashana seemed to relish all the gory details as if something dark had awoke in her, the girl looked pale as a ghost which was no doubt Ashana's intention.

"There's four of us" she quivered waving her hand to the other three who scuttled over watching curiously.

"Plenty of room" Brooke repeated through gritted teeth, she stretched out awkwardly "I can't say much for the ride though." Disgruntled Danny climbed back into the driver's seat, he fiddled with the radio for any updates but all the frequencies seemed to be playing constant music which was a clear sign no one was at the stations anymore.

"What's your name" Ashana asked trying not to sound too scary as she led them around to the back, "I'm Ashana and this is Brooke."

"I'm Phillipa" the girl revealed a little too proudly, "this is Francesca, Karen and Alexandrina."

"Drina" Alexandrina corrected with slight annoyance, "like that great Queen Victoria, no one calls me by my full name unless I've been naughty and that happens quite a lot." She cracked a smile hoping it would break the ice although the temperature was still frozen; they each climbed aboard but kept themselves separate from Ashana and the others. Brooke didn't know what to make of these newcomers but for some reason she disliked them except for Drina, she climbed back into the front as Danny switched off the radio.

"Can we go now" he moaned turning on the engine.

"Yes Danny we can go" she confirmed unable to hide her smirk at his annoyance.

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