Chapter 14 - Command

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Stairs after stairs they climbed until they reached the very top deck of the ship with varying success. Chloe puffed heavily rubbing her sore legs, Danny was more concerned with who they were meeting while Brooke was already at the top staring out a rather dirty window at the vast array of ships by the time the others managed the final steps.

"How many ships are there" she asked still looking out the clouded window.

"At last count near a hundred" boss man answered, even he was amazed at how many there were clustered together. "Now there's probably more with all the civilian ships arriving all the time, we are not the only gathering of ships as there's several groups all over the oceans. All with the same problems as we do." He opened the door and entered into a large bright area, the same size as the operations room downstairs. This really was the control room, nothing happened on the ship without it being authorised here. Danny informed them that its proper name was the bridge then he pretended to command the crew who just laughed amongst themselves. They all marvelled at the high-tech equipment and mapping, it made Roland feel intimidated if only slightly. Boss man led them through a complex of corridors then into a conference room almost as big as the bridge outside, a large oval table took centre stage surrounded by some of the most comfortable seats Brooke had ever sat in.

"Please take a seat" a voice from behind made them all jump, it belonged to a well groomed and well suited man who stood proud and tall. Regaining some dignity they all took a seat along one side of the table. Behind him was the woman they had met earlier, she still had that pleasant smile which put them at ease. Well aware she wasn't likely to learn their names Brooke decided to call them well suited and lady suit, it struck her how she still didn't know boss man's real name. Three other people came in taking their seats beside them. Brooke didn't see the American among them; she was rather relieved to not see him again.

"I know this must be somewhat strange for you" well suited began, they all gazed back empty faced.

"May we begin by telling you all how brave you are" lady suit stated looking proudly at them all. "Facing the creatures is a tough ask for any trained soldier, let alone a civilian with no training whatsoever."

"So what's your point of us it just to belittle us" Brooke clipped, she felt like she was being cornered or being trapped into something.

"Oh no I don't mean to belittle. What you have achieved is incredible" lady suit backtracked noticing Brooke's unammused scowl. "Your group was the largest that we picked up, sadly we have not found many more people inland or following recent events by the coasts. What I meant by untrained civilian was simply a reference to the soldier being trained in fighting, I did not mean any offense and if I caused any I am deeply sorry."

"I understand that but why are we here, surely there are other people with higher profiles you need to talk with" inquired Brooke still feeling like she was being buttered up for something. "I mean you all have busy schedules, we are surely taking up precious time."

"On the contrary we are exactly where we need to be, talking to whom we should be" well suited interjected, "young lady you may think yourself unimportant but to the rest of the human race you are the most important of us all."

"Simply because I'm immune" grumbled Brooke.

"Exactly although your knowledge of the vaccine will save many lives" expressed well suited keeping his eyes firmly on her making her uncomfortable. "That's what makes you important even if you don't see it."

"What you have achieved is not something to be merely glimpsed at, this may be the defining feature to defeating these ghastly creatures once and for all" another of the group informed bravely. None of them had paid much attention to the three who were barely contributing; to be honest they had almost forgotten they were there at all. It seemed so did well suited as he glared at his colleague who cowered back.

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