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It ate away at her. She knew what Draco was about to do and it was bad. She promised Harry Potter she would tell him, but she also promised Draco that she would keep this to herself.

Francesca felt guilt. So much guilt for keeping this a secret. So, she stood from Draco's bed, wiping her blood shot eyes and grabbing her wand, gripping it tightly in her shaky hands.

Francesca ran out of the dorm and down to the Common Room. Pansy saw her running across the room towards the exit and stopped her before she could leave. Draco had told Pansy to keep Francesca safe inside the Common Room tonight.

"I have to go Pansy, you don't understand!" Francesca exclaimed, pushing her away.

"I know exactly what's going on, which is why you must stay here," Pansy said, shaking her head.

"I'm sorry," Francesca said. Pansy tilted her head with a confused look. "Stupefy!" Francesca shouted her wand pointed at her best friend who went flying into the air and came crashing down near the stairs.

Francesca ran out of the Common Room, ignoring Pansy's protests.

She searched for what felt like hours, until she was left with no choice. Francesca forced a Gryffindor student to let her inside of the Gryffindor Common Room.

Gryffindor's broke out into chatter at the sight of a Slytherin frantically running through the Common Room over to Hermione and Ron.

"Where is Harry?!" She puffed, staring at them with worry in her eyes.

A few minutes later she was running through the castle, Marauders Map in hand, her wand clutched tightly in the other.

Francesca ran to the Astronomy Tower, not noticing all the new names that had entered the tower. She began her climb up the stairs, frantically trying to get to Harry.

An arm grabbed her wrist, pulling her into a hidden corner. A hand over her mouth stopped her from shrieking. Francesca glanced over her shoulder to see Harry, he let go of her, placing a finger to his lips and pointing up.

It was only now that Francesca noticed the Death Eaters above her.

"Go on, Draco, now!"

Francesca kept her eyes glued to the scene above her.

"Draco's going to kill Dumbledore," Francesca whispered.

Harry nodded, "I know."

Francesca couldn't even blink before Professor Snape called, "Avada Kedavra." And with that Dumbledore's lifeless body fell off the Astronomy Tower.

Francesca eyes went wide at what she had just witnessed. The Death Eaters began descending the stairs. Francesca and Harry remained hidden, but a soft whimper from Francesca caught Draco's attention and he looked over his shoulder to see the two teenagers.

One in shock the other full of rage. Francesca made eye contact with Draco for what could possibly be the last time, he looked away, following the others down the stairs. Harry was quick to sprint after them, leaving Francesca in the dust.

She stumbled down the stairs and slowly made her way back to the Slytherin Common Room, seemingly a shell of the girl she was barely an hour ago.

Pansy stood up from her seat when Francesca walked into the Common Room. "Fran," Pansy said, rushing over to her. "Are you an idiot?!" She yelled, glaring at her friend.

"I just watched Dumbledore die..." Francesca muttered.

Pansy sighed, shaking her head. "I told you to stay here," Pansy said, hugging Francesca.

"I should have... Harry already knew," Francesca sniffed.

"You were going to tell Harry about what Draco was up too?" Pansy asked, her eyebrows furrowed. Francesca nodded, sadly.

Pansy was in no position to judge her best friends actions and so she remained silent, holding her best friend as she cried her eyes out into her shoulder.

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