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It felt like it had been weeks since Draco left Hogwarts, but really it had only been 3 days. Francesca was devastated with everything and everyone had eyes on her.

Gryffindor's wondered if she knew what Draco was up to all along, Ravenclaw's whispered behind her back, Hufflepuff's stared at her until they couldn't stare anymore and the Slytherin's, they had her back. Especially her friends.

Francesca was sitting in her dorm, staring blankly at the ceiling, trying to piece together every action that she ever took that led her to be in this position.

Maybe if she hadn't dated Theodore Draco would have never taken an interest in her, or maybe if she never spoke to Pansy on the Hogwarts Express in first year she wouldn't have even known Draco. Maybe if she wasn't sorted into Slytherin she wouldn't be feeling all of this pain.

Millicent took a seat next to Francesca, wrapping an arm around her. "You alright, Fran?" Millicent asked.

Francesca sighed, shrugging. "My entire journey through Hogwarts has been cursed," Francesca said, sadly.

"I mean the first two years were okay, but then my mum got sick. In fourth year Cedric was murdered and I was dating Theodore. Fifth year I got my heartbroken but I also got with Draco... and you've seen how that turned out... and now my mum probably won't make it to see the new year," Francesca shook her head.

Millicent pursed her lips. "You're the strongest person I know Fran," Millicent said, hugging her tighter. "You will get through this."

"I don't know... It's just a lot to deal with," Francesca sighed. "Sometimes I wish I wasn't a witch. That I could go to a muggle school, not have to worry about the war that's brewing or evil wizards killing my brother... or my boyfriend running off with said evil wizards," Francesca said. sadly.

"Think of the things you wouldn't have if you were a muggle, Fran," Millicent said. "You wouldn't have met me, or any of your other friends. Including Pansy."

"I also wouldn't have this pain," Francesca whispered, tears rolling down her cheeks. "I'm happy to have all of you in my life, I just wish it wasn't as painful."

"One day it won't be," Millicent said.

Francesca and Millicent sat in silence, Francesca was thankful for the company she had. Being alone was so much worse, at least having someone by her side reminded her that she had a reason to fight.

They remained that way for a few minutes until Francesca spoke again.

"When this war does happen... which side will you be fighting for?" Francesca asked, looking at her friends.

Millicent sighed. "My parents want me to be like them, fight for the dark side... but the world is already so dark and the war hasn't even started. I couldn't live like this forever," Millicent said. "I'd fight for Harry, I don't want you know who to win."

"Voldemort," Francesca said.

Millicent's eyes widened and she glanced over at Francesca who remained expressionless.

"That is his name," Millicent said.

"I'm not scared of him," Francesca said. "He makes me enraged. Everything he's taken from me... if I could i'd kill him myself," Francesca said.

"Who's to say you can't?" Millicent asked.

Francesca shrugged.

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