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a few months later.

The war had ended, Voldemort lost. Everything was starting to go back to normal.

Draco was dressed in a black suit, his hair slicked back. He stared at his reflection in the mirror, wondering how different things could have been.

"You look handsome," Narcissa said, smiling at her son. "You loved her, didn't you?" She asked.

"Who?" Draco replied, playing dumb.

"Francesca Diggory," Narcissa said. "Word travels you know, your father didn't like hearing about how his son was dating a Diggory but I was waiting for the day you told me."

"I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd approve," Draco replied, finally making eye contact with his mother.

Narcissa smiled. "I was just happy to finally see you happy, even if it was only for a short while," Narcissa said. "She was clearly very special to you, I wish I had gotten to know her."

"I did love her, very much," Draco sighed.

They talked for a few more minutes before Draco had to leave for Francesca's funeral.

He was sat at the front of the room with his Hogwarts friends who he hadn't seen in months.

"Draco," Pansy said as she sat beside him. "How are you?" She asked.

Draco shrugged. "I've seen better days. Yourself?" Draco asked.

Pansy nodded, her cheeks stained with tears. "I can't stop thinking about her," Pansy said. "I should have forced her to come with me to the dungeons that night," Pansy cried.

Draco sighed, looking at his hands. "It's not your fault," Draco said.

Next to Pansy sat Daphne and Tracey, who had recently eloped. After losing Francesca they realised how hard it would be to live without each other.

Blaise sat on the otherwise of Draco, followed by Millicent, Crabbe and Goyle.

"You don't realise how much people mean to you until they're gone," Blaise said, wiping the single tear falling from his eye. "Can't believe her last words to me were your a coward," Blaise said, shaking his head.

Pansy chuckled. "We were cowards... all talk and no bite," Pansy said. "I should of fought with her."

"We all should have," Millicent sighed sadly, staring at the coffin in the front of the room.

The funeral began and watching Amos Diggory talk about his daughter was painful for everyone. He felt hopeless, he felt like he had nothing to live for anymore. It only made Pansy cry harder.

Draco thought back through the years, all the pain, the heartache but also the good times and the great times. The times they spent together. Every hug, every kiss, every I love you, until it was his time to speak.

Draco cleared his throat. "I had a whole speech prepared... planned out exactly what I was going to say, but now that i'm up here the speech just doesn't seem right," Draco sighed. "Francesca was my first love. She was the only person who stuck by me, who made me feel hope. She was my safety net, I knew she'd always be here."

"Francesca was an amazing girlfriend, but an even better friend. This entire room is so lucky to have known such a beautiful soul," Draco sighed. "As much as I wish she listened to the professors the night of the war and didn't get involved... I know that she would have died happy. Happy that she had helped, happy that she had saved a few lives."

"Francesca said something to me right before she passed, something that has given me hope and helped me hold on after these painful months without her," Draco began. "I promise to find you in every lifetime... that's what she told me," Draco wiped his cheeks, as tears streamed out of his eyes. "And with that being said, I promise to find you in every lifetime also, Francesca."

The end.

diggory | d. malfoyOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara