4.2 Preparations

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Ayanokoji POV (break)

Nino: "[Hey, Kiyotaka. What does that girl seated next to you want to ask Itsuki?]" Nino messaged me

Kiyo: "[Beats me.]"

Nino: "[If she does anything bad to Itsuki... then what?]"

I don't think Horikita is a girl like that. She may have a superiority complex but she is level-headed from what I've noticed.

Kiyo: "[Don't worry about it. I will take care of it if something happens]"

Nino: "[Ok.]"

Kiyo: "[About the midterms, you need to study harder.]"

Nino: "[Ugh! we should study again?]"

Kiyo: [Do you want to get expelled]

Nino: [Huh? No.]

Kiyo: [Then study harder]

Nino: [Ugh. ok] (A/n: Kiyo knows how to control Nino unlike Fuutarou)

Hondou: "They lured us with 100,000 points"

Ike: "How can we live for a month without points to buy anything."

Yukimura: "Ahh, why am I placed among idiots?"

Onodera: "Who are idiots? You 4-eyes."

Yukimura: "Huh? With my academic prowess, I should be at least B, if not A-class."

Hirata: "Everyone. Please hear me."

Hirata claimed everyone's attention when he stood at the teacher's podium

Yotsuba: "What is it, Hirata-kun?" (A/N: I don't know how Yotsuba refers to other people. Will she call san or kun? The only boy she ever talked to is Fuutarou in the series from what I've known. She will call him Uesugi-san. What does she call other boys?")

Hirata: "We didn't get any points this month. This is a serious problem and one that will have an enormous impact on our daily lives moving forward. We can't make it to graduation with zero points, right?"

Some dumb bitch: "You're right!" Shouted one of the female students, her voice was full of despair.

Hirata gave a kind nod in response, empathizing with her.

Hirata: "Of course. Therefore, we must earn points next month. To do that, we all need to cooperate. So, please, take care not to be late to class or to talk during the lecture. Also, the use of cell phones during class is prohibited obviously."

Ike the Ike: "Huh? Why do you tell us what to do? Besides, that's supposing our points will increase. If they don't change at all, then it's useless."

Hirata: "As long as we continue talking during class and being late, our points won't increase for sure. Although we can't go below zero points, disruption will, without a doubt, count as strikes against us."

Sudog: "I'm still not convinced. Besides, even if we get serious and work hard in class, our points won't necessarily go up." Sudo snorted and crossed his arms in defiance.

Kushida took notice of this and commented on it.

Kushida: "Well, the teacher did say that the being late and talking in class were bad, right?"

Yotsuba: "I agree with Kushida-san. It's only natural to avoid doing those things."

Sudo: "That's just your selfish interpretation. Besides, you don't know how to increase our points. Try talking to me after you figure that out."

Nino: "Huh? You behave well first. You always sleep during class and try to pick fights with others. You are the main problem here."

Sudog: "What did you say? Just because you are cute doesn't mean I'll take yer insults." Sudo yelled at Nino. Nino was unfazed. Well, he can't hit here. He might get expelled.

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