4.3 Victim of Pride and Envy

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Ayanokoji POV

Horikita: "Are you free for lunch, Ayanokoji-kun? Do you want to eat together?"

During our break, Horikita came up and invited me out. Nino and Itsuki had a face of bafflement and looked angry. Yotsuba was confused and thinking something. Ichika was grinning at me but that smile contained malicious intentions and I feel rage. And, lastly, Miku glared at us with horrid eyes which scared me. If glare could kill, Miku killed me nearly 20 times.

Kiyo: "What are you up to?"

Horikita: "Think of it as an apology for yesterday's actions." (A/N: I somewhat copied it from @Yunus448 Ayanokoji x Miyuki. I humbly apologize for my piracy. And Kiyo will not pretend to be the idiot he was in volume 1. He subconsciously uses some of his badass intelligence. I thought he is just somewhat smart like Hachiman in vol 1. Who would've guessed he is humanity's masterpiece.)

She is thinking of baiting me.

Horikita: "Whatever you eat is on me."

With no other plans, I decided to follow Horikita to the cafeteria, where I chose one of the most expensive special meal sets. Together, we sat down. 

'Wow, the quints even Yotsuba are glaring at me with so much hatred. Did I do something?'

Horikita: "Well then, shall we eat?"

Horikita started at me intently, as if she were waiting for me to begin.

Horikita: "What's the matter, Ayanokoji-kun? Aren't you going to eat?"

Kiyo: "Itadakimasu."I started to eat my meal.

Horikita: "Now, I want you to hear me out. Hirata-kun, your friend Itsuki-san and others worked out their plans yesterday. They're going to prepare for the next test."

It seems she wants to hold the study group for the Idiot trio. If she wanted to hold a study group then why did she refuse Hirata sternly?

Kiyo: "So?"

Horikita: "Help me get the three idiots to get join my study group."

Kiyo: "No."

Horikita: "Excuse me?"

Kiyo: "I said no, Horikita. I won't help you get the three idiots to join the study group. It will be a pain."

Horikita: "You ate it, didn't you? The special deluxe set I treated you."

I brought the phone out of my pocket and showed the recording of her saying the ulterior motives.

She glared at me coldly.

Horikita: "How dare you treat me like a fool."

Kiyo: "Think of it as paying you back after what you did to Itsuki."

Horikita: "What?"

Kiyo: "You insulted her didn't you? This is just payback. If you want my help don't blackmail me."

She tries to snatch the phone away from me. I stopped her wrist before that.

Kiyo: "Now. If you want someone's help, request them."

Horikita: "P-please, H-help me. I-i n-n-need your h-help."

I am quite interested in Horikita's character. She has the potential to grow. But her arrogance is blurring her vision. I rejected her once but now she's desperate for my help. If she continues something like this again it will just annoy me. I already predicted she will request my help yesterday. Fortunately, I even finished what should I say to the quints today at yesterday's class

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