7.5 Special Exam! Part 3

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.Ayanokouji POV

Things started to move when we returned to Hirata and the others, who hadn't achieved any results. The Idiot Trio seemed to be in surprisingly high spirits and were speaking rather enthusiastically to Hirata about something. 

"A river, a river! What an incredible feeling! And there was some kind of mechanism installed around there! It could be a gadget to get right of possession, or whatever! It's only a ten-minute walk from here, so let's hurry!"

It seemed like Ike and his group had made some headway and wanted to stand guard so another class wouldn't snatch the spot. 

"This is huge. If we can secure the river, our situation might take a turn for the better." It seemed we'd decided on the base camp's location. Of course, it would depend on the terrain and environment, but this likely was going to be our first step forward." 

"But there are two teams that still haven't returned. Someone should wait for them, right?" 

It was a little before three o'clock. If they hadn't returned by the appointed time, there was a good chance they were lost in the forest. 

"I'm sorry, Hirata. Kouenji isn't back yet, either. We got split up."

"Ah, Kouenji-kun actually came back a little while ago. He left to go swimming." 

So he hadn't gotten lost but had instead slipped away. I should have expected it. 

"Split up? Didn't you take the lead?" Horikita asked with a sigh, as everyone began moving toward the river."

"You of all people should know we can't control that narcissist, right Horikita?" fortunately Nino came to the rescue

'What do you mean, Nino-san?" 

"I mean you two give me the same vibes. I don't know about Koenji but you are not that superior to everyone here despite that arrogance. You may be smart and athletic but you always look down on others and many people are more superior to the likes of you." 

What Nino said was true. Horikita clearly thinks she is the superior student. I'd thought Horikita retort or at least glare at Nino. Rather than wasting her breath she just sighed and talked to me 

"I see. You can't really complain about his abilities, though the same can't be said of his personality."

 "Just like you."

"Did you say something?" she growled.  Why is she only like this towards me?

"Nope, I didn't say anything." 

"Do you have a plan, Ms. I'm the superior?" Itsuki asked with a sarcastic tone.

"Even if I do, telling idiots like you would be a waste," said Horikita.

"Huh? What did you say?" Nino growled. 

"You guys stop it." I demanded Nino and Itsuki. Horikita may be a problem but these 2 shouldn't pick a fight with her and break the class' little to zero unity

They didn't like how I stopped them from confronting Horikita and went away from me and her with a pout on their faces. 

Ike found us a spot near a river. Disregarding his pervertedness, Ike is rather good at survival skills.

Some girls especially Shinohara denied drinking the water from the river even though Ike drank it and was told it was rather hygienic.

Yotsuba, supporting Ike also drank the water and said we can drink it, to which the girls hesitantly agreed.

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