Coffee Machine

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It wasn't any secret that Tony Stark loved his coffee. He had it with every meal, snack, and
dessert he had. Heck, half the time he lived on only coffee, it being his only source of 'food' while he spends days down in the lab.

And of course in order to have his delicious black coffee, he needs to make it using his coffee maker.

So when Tony saw what had happened to his coffee machine, he was beyond pi$$ed.

He had woken up earlier today, at around 5:20, after being in the lab for the past 24 hours. He gently slid out of bed, carefully as though to not wake a still sleeping Stephen who'm he was surprised wasn't awake yet.
Must've been tired, Tony thought as he stumbled around in the darkness of the room while getting dressed. Sure, he was tired but once he wakes up, there's no way he's sleeping anytime soon.

After a couple minutes, Tony was in his outfit for the day, a long sleeve black shirt with the arc reactor clearly visible through it, some blue jeans covered in oil from his last project, some worn out orange sneakers, and a four thousand dollar watch because he was Tony Stark after all.
Once in his clothes, Tony silently left the room and entered the bathroom where he quickly combed and gelled his hair, brushed his teeth, and well, used the restroom.
Finally finished with the hygiene part of his routine, Tony walked back into his room to retrieve his cell phone and gently kissed Stephen on the cheek before walking back out and through the hallway to the elevator.

Once in the elevator, Tony clicked a couple buttons and stood silently, fiddling with his fingers until the elevator screeched to a halt.

Then he slowly made his way to one of his favorite places in the house.

The kitchen. Specifically because it had his
Coffee machine.

Tony walked over half awake towards where his coffee machine would be, when he suddenly froze.

It was the worst thing Tony had ever seen....

His coffee machine was BROKEN.

Tony let free a shriek as he ran towards the machine and picked it up, inspecting it.
The main program of the coffee machine was destroyed, all the buttons pulled out, and the glass cup that would hold the freshly made coffee, was shattered into pieces but looked to have been hastily glued together.

All in all, it looked like someone had accidentally punched it and knocked it off the counter before being coating it in school glue,
The sparkly purple one.

Tony pulled off a yellow sticky note that was at the bottom of the broken machine
The note-
SO sorry about the machine, it was an accident, got to go.
Tony crumbled the note and tossed it on the floor. He couldn't tell who had written it because Peter, Steve, and Natasha all had the same style of handwriting.
Tony pulled the coffee machine close and hugged it before placing it on the counter and stomping the floor. He could fix it or get a new one, but he wanted coffee now, not later.
As he hit his feet on the floor, he was vaguely aware of Bruce walking in the kitchen, only to turn around and leave the second he saw Tony looking like he wanted to kill someone.

Tony grumbled and hit his foot on the floor once more before simply falling to the floor and leaning against the cabinets.
He picked up one of the discarded coffee beans on the floor and sniffled as he flipped it over in his hands.

During all his moping, he must have woken someone up because suddenly Tony's eyes shot up when he heard a noise.

"So you threw a temper tantrum because of your coffee machine?"
Tony rolled his eyes at Stephen. Obviously he had been awaken because of Tony's loud shriek earlier. Stephen, although waking up only a few minutes ago, was already in his usual attire, hair perfectly combed. The only clue that he had just woken up were his hands which shake slightly more when he first wakes up.

Stephen sighed and walked over to where Tony sat on the floor and held out a shaky hand. Tony huffed slightly and took the hand, standing up and rubbing dust off his clothes.
"So," Stephen said.
"What's the trag-"
Stephen looked behind Tony and noticed the broken coffee machine sitting in pieces on the counter.
"So that's what your cranky about."
Tony looked at Stephen like he was mad.
"Are you crazy? The coffee machine is broken and your not even angry!?"
Stephen smirked and rubbed a hand through his facial hair.
"Unlike you, not everyone runs solely on coffee Tony."
Tony grumbled something incomprehensible and crossed his arms.
"Well," Stephen said.
"Can't you just buy another one? You are a billionaire."
Tony scrunched up his face in a pouty way.
"I know, but I need coffee now, I literally cannot function without it."
Stephen's smile increased as he sighed and slipped on his sling ring.
"Well then," Stephen said.
"I suppose we could make a quick detour to the coffee shop a couple miles from here."
Stephen lifted his hands, rotating them in a circular motion and a portal appeared.
Tony looked through the portal at the door of the coffee shop and instantly felt better.
He looked at Stephen with gleaming eyes and Stephen laughed in return.
He picked up Tony's hand and led him through the portal and into the coffee shop where Tony then got a heavy black coffee and Stephen simply amused himself with picking out a jelly pastry from the bakery section.

Together they both sat at a table outside and Tony took a sip of his coffee before looking at Stephen.
"Thanks for this, magician."
Stephen looked back at Tony and smiled.
"Anytime, Stark."

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