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Stephen woke up one Thursday morning feeling terrible.
He had spent the past two days fighting other sorcerers in the mirror dimension and when he came back late Wednesday night and collapsed onto Tony's bed, he was out like a light.
But little did he know, his subconscious ended up stuck in a multi- dimensional loop, reliving all the traumatic events in his life, from him being speared in the gut with dark magic, to him nearly dying in a car crash years ago.

When he woke up, it was around 11:00 in the morning and Tony was no where to be seen.
Stephen sat up in bed and wiped his forehead which was covered in sweat, with his hand. He noticed that when he lifted his hand, it shook more than normal, but he dismissed it.
After the turmoil he had been through, Stephen wanted to start the day with a relaxing, warm shower.
Stephen stood up off the bed and wiped the tiredness and some tears out of his eyes before groggily making his way over to Tony's shower.

He undressed and got in the shower, turning it on and letting the warm water run over him.

Stephen sighed. He couldn't get everything he had seen during his dream out of his head, it was eating him up inside.
After a minute or so, Stephen reached over and picked up a shampoo bottle.

Suddenly though, a searing pain coursed through his hand, not a physical pain, but a mental pain.
Stephen dropped the bottle and brought his hand to his chest, holding it tightly.
He ended up cutting his shower short and dried off, dressing in new clothes before sitting back down onto Tony's bed.

Stephen sat still, staring intently at the wall in front of him for a couple minutes, trapped in his thoughts.
Eventually though, he decided he should get something to eat and find Tony.

Surprisingly, when Stephen stumbled into the kitchen, Tony was there stuffing a bacon and egg sandwich into his mouth.

Tony almost never ate.

Tony looked at Stephen as he walked by and Stephen couldn't help but smile slightly as he noticed ketchup running down his chin.
Stephen pointed to his chin, signaling that there was something on it and Tony received the message, grabbing a napkin and wiping it away.

Stephen made his way over to his tea cabinet and stopped as Tony spoke to him.
"Enjoy your beauty sleep Stephen? It's nearly lunch time."
Stephen rolled his eyes.
Tony smirked and took another small bite of his sandwich before actually showing a slightly serious face.
"But seriously, I let you sleep because you looked exhausted, and you were covered in sweat. You okay? Sick maybe?"
Stephen reached to open the cabinet.
"I'm okay, just tired, that's all."
Tony watched Stephen suspiciously as Stephen reached for one of his glass tea cups.

Stephen picked up the cup... and he froze.
Suddenly his whole body started shaking like crazy, and he dropped the cup.

It shattered.

Just like the car windows had shattered in his car crash...

Suddenly, Stephen was crouching down on the floor next to the shattered glass shaking, tears streaming down his face as he recalled all the exact details of his car accident.
He watched himself get thrown and tossed and turned around in the car as the car swerved off the side of the steep road after it had hit another car.
He relived the moment his hands got crushed and filled with glass, permanently damaging his nerves.
He relived the painful minute he was conscious after the accident before passing out in the drivers' seat.

He was shaking so bad.
Stephen had completely forgot about reality until he heard Tony scream his name in bloody murder behind him.
Stephen attempted to regain some focus.
"I-I'll cl-lean i-it," Stephen stuttered as he lifted his shaky hands up and attempted to open a portal to grab a sweeper, despite still currently bawling his eyes out.

Someone, Tony, grabbed Stephen's hands.
"Stephen! Stephen! What happened!?"
Tony dragged Stephen away from the class covered floor and over to the living room sofa.
"Stephen, what happened?" Tony asked, attempting to calm himself down.
Stephen lifted up his hands and looked at them, watching as they shook violently.
"God darn it!" Stephen yelled, suddenly very angry.
"Why!? Why do my hands have to be like this!? I'm useless with them, useless!"
Stephen's vision turned blurry as tears fully consumed his eyes.
Tony lifted up his hands and intertwined them in Stephen's.
"It's okay baby," Tony spoke softly.
"Just breath, nice and easy. Your not usless, you mean the world to me."
Stephen hiccuped on a sob and lowered his head.
Tony smiled slightly.
"Come here man, let it all out."
Tony lifted Stephen onto his lap so they were facing each other, wrapping one arm around Stephen's waist, and the other hand, rubbing circles on his back.
It scared Tony how much Stephen was trembling, and he held him close to attempt to keep him steady.
Stephen rested his chin on Tony's shoulder as he gave into his embrace.

Then Stephen fully broke down.

He cried his heart out, clinging to Tony as if he were a life support beacon.
God, how did he end up with someone so amazing as Tony?
So many awful things had happened in his life, and he felt like he had reached his breaking point.
But Tony somehow kept him together, he was the glue that held Stephen together.

"Shhh, it's okay, your okay," Tony cooed as he rocked back and forth with Stephen in his arms.

Stephen was going to get through this, one day he wouldn't be put back by his shaking hands and painful memories. He would push past them.

And Tony would be there with him every bit of the way.

Eventually, Stephen calmed down in Tony's arms, and continued to be rocked, soaking in all the love from Tony.

"I love you so much Tony."
Tony smiled.

"I love you 3000."

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