Cold Hands

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"But mister Stark!" Peter begged.
Tony scowled.
"No Peter, what have I said about complaining?"
Peter quietly huffed.
"But-but mister Stark! I wanna help you with this project, I swear that I'll be g—"

Tony cut him off with a loud chuckle.

"I know you wanna help Pete, and your probably smart enough to help me with what I'm doing, but I'm working with chemical compounds that are so strong that if they touched your skin, it would go right through to the bone."

Peter sighed and pouted.

"I understand...but is there anythingggg I can do to help you?"

Tony paused what he was doing and thought for a moment.

"I guess you could help me figure out how much of each chemical I need to add together so that I can make the fuel I'm working on."

Peter perked up and his childish frown turned into a wide and toothy grin.

"Thank you so much dad—I mean—"

"No problem Pete," Tony responded before Peter could correct himself, a big smile forming on his face as well.

"Now come on, let's get to work."

Peter hopped up and down in place like a giddy child.



Tony was awaken from his sleep at a little past midnight. However, unlike him usually waking up due to nightmares plaguing his dreams, it was instead a happy memory of the first time the kid, Peter Parker had called him dad.

Tony yawned softly and shifted himself so that he was sitting up, laying his back against the headboard of the bed. He was planning on going back to sleep in a while, but there was a storm outside, and Tony loved hearing the sounds of rain as it hit the roofs, walls, and windows of the Avengers tower, it was soothing.

He smiled to himself as he looked at the large curtain-covered window that was opposite of his bed, imagining the dark storm clouds that were rolling in the beautiful night sky.

All of a sudden though, Tony could feel the sheets he was wrapped in shift slightly, and he looked to his side to find the love of his life-Stephen-wrapped up in the covers, sleeping peacefully.

Tony let free a small awe as he looked at Stephen, who had his head buried in his pillow, and was snoring quietly.

He bent over and placed a small kiss on his forehead, before taking a minute to fully absorb how at peace the man seemed.

It was rare that Tony ever got to see Stephen as he slept.
He would normally arrive from his sanctum duties long after Tony had managed to fall asleep, and either: Stephen would be gone when Tony woke up in the morning, or: Stephen would be the one waking Tony up, because Tony often experienced nightmares as he slept, and some could be especially grueling.

Nevertheless, Tony loved it when he could see his boyfriend so calm and cute, not that he wasn't always cute of course.

Tony was unaware of how long he stared at Stephen's relaxed face, but he was suddenly startled by the sudden clashing sound of lightning.

He flinched, scared by the sudden noise.

However, he wasn't the only one who jumped at the lightning.

The loud crash from the thunderstorm outside, was enough to snap awake the sleeping sorcerer that lied peacefully next to Tony.

Though only partially awake, the second Stephen was awoken, he sat straight up in the bed,  and his trembling hands went up as he mastered up a magical shield that surrounded both him and his lover.

Tony figured that the loud noise and sudden shock must have caused Stephen to think that they were in danger, a force of habit.

Whatever the reason, Tony was quick to react.

"Hey, hey, easy there," he spoke softly, reaching out to grab Stephen's hands.

Stephen turned to face him, the magic shield slowly dissipating as he realized that there was no threat.

"Nothing's wrong, just a little lightning. We're al—OH MY CRUMPETS!!"

The sudden outburst startled Stephen again, as the magic in his shield strengthened.

"Tony, don't scream like that! What's wrong!? And why "crumpets," out of all things to say!?"

The second Tony had grazed Stephen's hands, he had pulled himself back suddenly.

"Oh my gosh," Tony mumbled as he looked at Stephen's slightly shaky hands.

Stephen broke his shield, and lowered his hands back onto his lap which was covered in a blanket.

"What?" he asked, slightly on edge by the way Tony was acting.

Tony lifted his hands and gently reached out for Stephen's own again, wrapping the man's scarred hands in his own.

"Why...why are your hands so cold?" Tony asked, looking up to face Stephen in the eyes.

"Oh," The sorcerer spoke, mentally relieved that it wasn't anything serious.

"It's nothing, just a side effect of all the surgeries and trauma done to my hands which makes them more susceptible to cold, magic can mess with them as well. It's really not a big deal though."

Tony huffed and grabbed the extra bed blanket that was draped over him, gently wrapping Stephen's hands in it.

"Not a big deal my ass. I'm pretty sure that it's not good for your hands to ever be that cold."

Stephen simply shrugged.

"There's a lot of things that I do that aren't good for me, you as well. I should know, I was a neurosurgeon after all."

Tony rolled his eyes and let out a small yawn.

"Whatever, Wizard," Tony spoke, holding Stephen's wrapped hands with one arm, and using the other to pull Stephen so that the man had his head resting in the crook of his neck.

Stephen chuckled.
"Love you too, Tin Man."

Tony gave his own small laugh, and a smirk grew on his face.

"Nice nickname, I see your taking cues from the master."

Stephen smiled and dug his head into Tony's neck, his quiet laughs being muffled by the dark blue turtleneck sweater that Tony wore.

"G'night Tony," Stephen mumbled.

Tony smiled and pulled Stephen's blanket-covered hands to his chest, kissing them before he dug his face into Stephen's brown locks.

"Goodnight love, sleep tight."

And with that, Tony pulled the bed's other blanket over the two of them, and they both fell asleep, intertwined with each other, just as they liked it.

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