Red Carpet

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Haven't made one of these in a while 💀

It was the big day.

After keeping their relationship private for the first six months, Tony Stark and Stephen Strange were about to reveal to the public that they were officially an item.

If you'd have asked Tony how he would end up dating the wizard, he'd honestly have no idea.

In fact, the first couple months they knew each other, all they did was fight and argue about battle strategies. They both hated each other's guts, mainly because of how similar they were. For instance, they both had an extremely sarcastic side that they loved to constantly put on show. At one point they were so upset at one another that Bruce had prevented them from being in the same room as one another; during meetings one would attend and the other would be on video chat.

However, after the blip and the snap, things began to change.

Tony had been at the hospital for around a month after he had snapped with Thanos's glove. His right side had all been burned by the sheer radiation coming off of the stones, and his right arm had been totaled.
It was a miracle, really, that he hadn't had to have it amputated.
In fact, a couple months into the future he'd regain full range of motion of it.

The main thing from all this is that he had his fair share of visitors during his hospital stay, some common ones being Rhodey, Pepper, Bruce, Steve, Peter, and Happy.

However, for some reason the person that had visited him most had been...Stephen.

He really didn't understand why, but the first time the doctor had appeared in his hospital room, Tony didn't yell at him to get away.

In fact, the two of them were able to make peace and put their past behind them.

Stephen would constantly update Tony about things that were happening, things that people like Pepper would refuse to tell him, saying how he shouldn't be adding too much stress to his mind right now.

Stephen also helped with his arm's therapy, making sure he was working the best he could, and that Tony's arm was healing as good as possible.
At one point, Stephen had even relented and told Tony the story about his own messed up hands, and how they used to shake like hell. Tony felt really bad for the guy afterwards, but Stephen quickly countered with the fact that Tony was in a hospital bed right now, not him.

Also, about the sarcasm that the wizard normally had, it was there, but it was a lot lighter and less common. It was like Stephen was worried he would hurt Tony's feelings.
Stephen had already signaled to Tony that he felt 100% responsible for what had happened to Tony, and none of the billionaires words could change his mind.

Throughout this time in the hospital, Tony began to develop a special feeling toward the wizard.

That feeling turned out to be love, oddly enough.

He discovered this in the couple of months following his release from the hospital.
Despite not needing to visit anymore, Stephen constantly spent his time down with Tony in his lab. Tony was a stickler about people bothering him when he worked, but for some reason he never minded Stephen's presence.

The man would just be off to the side, working on some enchantments or reading some books in dialects Tony couldn't comprehend.
They would occasionally strike up conversation, and after a bunch of hours past Stephen would persuade Tony to go eat something and go to bed, then he would portal away.

Eventually, Tony invited Stephen to come eat with him instead of leaving.

The wizard had looked conflicted on his answer, but had relented to Tony's pleading.

In fact, they ended up enjoying eating together so much that they started to make a routine of doing so.

Tony started to visit Stephen at the sanctum as well, and they began to go on walks around the city at night together when no one was watching.

Sometimes Stephen would portal them somewhere exotic and they would go out for coffee.
The other remaining Avengers had began to take notice in the two men's growing relationship, and it was Peter slyly mentioning that they could become something more that really hit Tony.

Finally, a good six months after they had begun to hang out a lot, Tony popped the question while on a night stroll, asking the younger man if he would be his boyfriend.

Stephen said yes.


"Do you think they'll be upset?"

Tony turned to face the man he was engaged to. They were both currently in the back of a limo while Happy drove them to a celebrity red carpet event.
They were planning on using this event to finally reveal to the public about their soon-to-be-married status.

Tony reached over with his left hand, resting it on top of Stephen's slightly shaky ones.

"I don't care if their mad, I love you and that is all that matters."

Stephen turned his crystal eyes to Tony, and the engineer could suddenly see why the car ride had been so silent.

Stephen was scared.

"But what if they gat so upset that they start to target the Avengers, or you? I can't allow people tying to attack my soon to be husband."

Tony chuckled and leaned forward, pressing a kiss to Stephen's chapped lips.

"Don't worry, I don't think anyone will be able to get near me without you portaling their magical butt through space."

Stephen let out a small chuckle at that.

"You two love birds done back there? We're here."

Tony and Stephen snapped their heads up to look at Happy who was watching them with an amused face.

Tony looked out of the tinted windows and immediately recognized the crowds of reporters and fans.

He sighed.

"Alright wizard, you ready?"

Stephen turned to him and swallowed before nodding.

Tony smiled and reached out to open his door.
He stepped out of the car and was immediately overcome with a wave of reporters.
They tried to ask him questions, but he pushed past them, ignoring their statements.

He walked over to the other back door of the car and pulled it open.

Immediately a gasp was heard from across the carpet, and cameras started flashing at twice the speed.

Tony was vaguely aware of all the reporters yelling questions at him about why Dr. Strange was there, but he paid them no mind, instead reaching out his former injured hand to help Stephen up.

Then, Tony pulled Stephen to his side, wrapping an arm around his waist, causing another wave of camera flashes.

"Alright, let's do this," Stephen muttered.

Tony smiled as they walked down the red carpet.
They stopped right at the end, everyone's eyes on them.

"Ready to make this public?" Tony asked.

Stephen smiled.

"More than ever."

Tony grinned and grabbed the back of Stephen's neck, pulling him in for a kiss.

It's not a surprise to say that they were the big talk of the media for the rest of the month.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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