Valentines Day

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Kinda super late but whatever-

7:22 Am.
Stephen woke with a start. Blinking his eyes to adjust to the morning light, he glanced his eyes over the features of the room he was in. Tony's room.
Due to the next day being Valentines Day, Stephen had agreed to spend the night with Tony so that they wouldn't miss a second of being without each other.
Stephen turned to his left to find the one and only Tony Stark huddled down under 4 blankets and surrounded by various colors of pillows. Stephen couldn't help but chuckle quietly as Tony let free a fit of small snores and snuggled his face further into a grey pillow next to him.

After a minute of clearing all the sleep from his eyes, Stephen figured that he could surprise Tony with a special breakfast before beginning his plan, so he sat up in the bed and began to slide off of it onto the cold wood floor.
However, just as his feet touched the floor, someone grabbed his shoulder and yanked him back onto the bed.
Stephen blinked fast and found himself on top of Tony's chest.
The other male let free a large yawn.
"Morning babes," Tony muttered as he pulled Stephen closer to his chest, still blinking the sleep from his eyes.
Stephen smiled softly.
"Morning Tony, happy Valentines Day."
Tony smiled and echoed Stephen's words, but the sorcerer could tell that the man wasn't fully in the land of the living yet.
"It's alright Tony," Stephen spoke softly as he quickly kissed Tony's right temple before beginning to slide off the man.
"It's still early and you really need a good night's rest. Sleep a little longer, I'll be working on something."
Tony didn't even argue as he sleepily shut his eyes and snuggled back into his pillow, falling back into unconsciousness again not long after.
Stephen quietly chuckled again as he fully got off the bed, raising his hands high above his head and stretching out his back with a couple cracking noises here and there before eventually lowering his arms and beginning to trudge away from where Tony slept.
He made his way over to the walk in closet that him and Tony shared, going towards the right side where his clothes were and daintily picking through them. After a while of moving hangers around, he pulled out a white collared shirt that was covered in a bunch of hunter green colored swirls and lines. He matched the shirt with some dark green jeans and some plain black socks.
Obviously this wasn't his normal attire. He would normally be wearing his master of the mystic arts clothes or just a simple t-shirt with his cloak.
However, due to the special day, Stephen figured he should dress to impress.
Once changed, Stephen waddled out of the closet and instead into the bathroom they shared. There, he did what you would normally do in a bathroom, use the bathroom. Then he brushed his teeth, shaved his beard precisely, combed and gelled his hair to perfection, all before quickly moisturizing his skin and applying some cologne.
Instead of walking through the bedroom again and most likely waking up Tony with the smell of his misty moon cologne, he used his sling ring and opened a quiet portal into the kitchen.
The first thing he saw when he opened the portal and entered the kitchen was Steve and Bucky both prepping what looked to be a picnic basket full of sandwiches, snacks, and drinks.
"Wow," Stephen muttered getting the two other men's attention.
"Are you going to have tea with the queen of hearts or something?"
Steve chuckled and set down a partially wrapped sandwich which Bucky quickly plucked up, finishing the wrapping.
"Well, it's Valentine's Day and me and Buck figured that since we didn't have anyone to spend it with, we could go on a run and then spend the day together. Right Buck?"
Bucky affirmed this by nodding and pulling a sandwich from the basket.
"Want one?" he asked.
"No thanks, I think I'm going to attempt to make Tony breakfast."
They both let free a sound of realization and Steve waved a hand over Stephen's frame.
"Ohhhhh, so that's why your dressed so nicely. Got any plans with Tony?" he said with a hint of a smirk.
Stephen smiled.
"I suppose I have a couple things in mind."
It was exactly 1 hour and 1 minute later when Stephen had finally finished making his and Tony's Valentine's Day breakfast.
He had covered a glass circular table with a thick velvet red cloth and had a tall glass vase filled with white roses in the center of the table.
There was then two grey place mats across from each other, each holding its own plate, glass, folded napkin, and cutlery.
On Tony's plate was 2 heart-shaped scrambled eggs as well as a piece of French toast, also shaped into a heart. He then created a small tower on the corner of the plate with cut up strawberries and toothpicks. He also gave Tony some orange juice and a cup of coffee, the coffee brewed exactly how Tony liked it and topped with foam that was twisted into a heart.
It wasn't the fanciest breakfast, but then again, Stephen was a sorcerer and Doctor, not a chef.
As for his own plate, Stephen simply put together a small bowl of assorted fruits and a piece of toast (both Tony and Stephen's bread was vegan). He also had a cup filled with orange juice for himself.

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