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Who doesn't love to get ice cream on a freezing January Wednesday?
Apparently everyone but Peter, Tony and kind of Stephen.

It was a school day for Peter, but after having to sneak out of school mid day and fight a bunch of slimy dudes, Peter didn't fancy going back and finishing up the day with calculus and history.
Instead, he decided to go have some fun with Mr. Stark and Mr. Strange because why not, before heading back to Aunt May's.
And what better thing to do on a chilly January day then go get ice cream!?
Peter strolled into the Stark tower and found Tony rummaging through a box of parts on the floor, Stephen bickering with his cape while holding a dark blue book in the corner, And Natasha and Bucky in the center, speaking random comments in Russian to each other which Peter assumed was gossip(of course he would think that, teenagers).
Peter walked up to Tony who was pulling apart a large metal rod and tapped him on the shoulder making him jump.
"Wha- oh, hey kid...wait you should be at school."
Peter stood sheepishly in front of Tony, the other people in the room turning their attention to him.
"Yeah, I know Mr. Stark, but I just had to run out of school to fight these weird sludge dudes which by the way looked really weird, they had slimy hair and three eyes and one ear located in their-"
"Alright, alright kid chill."
"So from that very descriptive report," Stephen spoke from afar while opening his large book.
" I can assume what Parker means is that he left school to fight a villain and didn't wish to endure the rest of the school day after, so he decided to come here and find some entertainment."
"Exactly," Peter spoke and snapped his finger.
"Well?" Natasha asked.
"What did you have in mind?"
Peter gleamed as he turned to face Tony again.
"How about... we go get ice cream!"
"Why not," Tony spoke as he fiddled with his parts.

Natasha grabbed Bucky's metal arm and led him out of the room.

"Well?" Peter spoke again.
"So they left. It can still be me, you and Mr.Strange though."
"Please just call me doctor Strange or Stephen," Stephen spoke from the corner.
" okay I will. But, will you go have ice cream with us?"
Stephen shut his book and looked at a puppy eyed Peter, and then at a fake puppy eyed Tony.
Stephen sighed.
"I suppose I could."
Peter jumped in excitement and ran over and grabbed Stephen's arm, pulling him towards Tony who was standing up and brushing dust off his pants.

"Give me a sec to change and then we can take the Ferrari," Tony spoke.

"Or," Peter perked. "Mr- Stephen can just do his magicy thing and portal us there."
Stephen looked at Peter.
"Magicy thing?"
Tony walked away to change.
"You know what I mean, when you open the portal by doing the swirly things-"
"I'm good, and sure we can use my magicy portal thing."

Once Tony changed into more sensible clothing( a sweater, long pants and boots), Stephen opened is portal and the trio walked through, appearing in an empty alley right next to the ice cream shop.
Despite it being January, the store was still open, but no one was there except a teenage looking girl in a thick jacket, gloves, long pants, boots, and a bright pink winter hat who stood inside at the counter.

Did Peter forget to mention it was snowing?
That's most likely why when they walked out of the alley way, even besides the ice cream shop, practically no one was outside.

Stephen reached the building first and held open the door for Tony and Peter to walk through before entering himself.
Together, they all walked up to the counter to greet a very surprised girl.
The girl eyed them at first most likely wondering why they were buying ice cream in the freezing cold, when her eyes landed on Tony.
"Wait, are you Tony Stark!?" The girl said with excitement.
Tony smirked and Stephen elbowed him.
"Indeed I am."
The teenager stood there gawking for a moment and said she was a huge fan before gaining her composure and holding up an ice cream scooper.
"Well then, what can I get for you all?"
Tony got two scoops of Stark Raving Hazelnuts in a classic waffle cone, Peter followed with two scoops of rainbow sherbet with chocolate sprinkles on it in a cup, and Stephen simply got a scoop of mint chocolate chip with crushed graham crackers on top in a cup as well.

Tony paid and together, the trio moved to a corner of the empty ice cream shop to a pale white table with green chairs located right next to a huge fish tank and took their seats.

Peter immediately dug into his ice cream, getting it all around his mouth and on the top of his nose. Tony chuckled and muttered "kids" before biting into his waffle cone and also getting it all over his face.
Stephen simply smiled and rolled his eyes, reaching for the small spoon that was given for the ice cream.
As soon as he picked the spoon up, it shook violently and when he reached for the ice cream, his hand shook so harshly that the ice cream slid off the spoon.
Stephen sighed and placed the spoon down, instead turning his attention to all the colorful fish that swam in the fish tank next to him.

After a couple minutes, Tony ate the last of his ice cream and Peter was about halfway done.
Tony turned his attention to Stephen who was still glancing at the fish, and then he noticed Stephen's practically untouched ice cream.
"Hey, aren't you going to eat?" Tony asked Stephen, making him break his gaze from the fish tank.
Stephen turned to face Tony and then his ice cream.
"Go on," Tony spoke. "Eat."
Stephen sighed and went to grab the small spoon. This time the spoon shook so harshly that he dropped it before he could even bring it to the ice cream.
Step looked down defeated.
"You can have it, my hands are exceptionally shaky today."
Tony's expression softened and he scooted his chair over to Stephen before grabbing his shaky hand and the spoon.
Tony guided Stephen's shaky hand with the ice cream to his mouth and a peach colored Stephen slowly opened his mouth and Tony brought the spoon in his mouth.
Stephen bit down and immediately calmed at the sweet sensation of mint chocolate chip ice cream running down his throat.

Tony continued to help Stephen eat his ice cream until it was gone, Peter sitting across the table watching intently.
Once done, Tony placed the spoon down and turned to face Stephen again.
"It's nice when you can eat it, isn't it?"
Stephen nodded slightly while he rubbed a hand on his face to cover the now red blush all on his cheeks.
"That was ADORABLE," Peter squealed making both Tony and Stephen jump because they had forgotten he was there.

Tony smirked and rolled his eyes, standing up and giving Stephen a hand up before giving Peter one as well.

"Well, that was surprisingly relaxing," Tony spoke as the three of them walked out of the ice cream shop, back into the crisp winter air.
"Agreed," Stephen and Peter said in union.
"Now," Tony spoke, while placing a cold hand on Peter's shoulder.
"It's time to go back to Aunt May, your chill time is over."

Peter groaned and chuckled as they all made their way back into the empty alley, and teleported into the living room of Aunt May's apartment.

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