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Life and Time are cruel warriors, but even better teachers.

Life can be full of beauty, rich with blessings and wonders. It fills one's mind with dreams of comfort and peace. Then, when you least expect it, the threatening clouds come rolling in, tearing you down and pulling you into the darkness. The raging storm tosses you against the rocks of reality, wrenching away the wonders life had graciously given. Life teaches one that the things of this world are empty. It's better to appreciate the gifts you have while you have them than to struggle in vain to only lose them in the end all the same.

Time creates cherished memories, giving thoughts and hopes to hang onto. It allows you to grow and witness growth. But Time can also cause wounds to fester instead of heal, if one chooses to dwell on the past. Time does not take pity on those who cannot keep up with its crushing pace. The unlucky masses who fall behind must take the blow or make their final wishes for their next of kin. In it all, Time teaches that none can escape it, so it's best to go with her schedule than to stay in the past, missing all that Life has to offer.

Life and Time were hard teachers to Elwynna MacKay; leaving her murdered parents and village behind to simmer in the innocent blood and pulsing embers.
Life had left her and her younger sister alone to face Time's coldness.

With most of their neighbors dead and the druids, whom they had once called family, gone with the wind, there was nowhere else to go but to Camelot. To the kind apothecary man whom their late father had called friend.

But, even while being in the naiveness of childhood, the young twelve-year-old girl knew she couldn't- wouldn't stay in the castle. She couldn't bear the thought of living within the same halls as the man she knew, in her core, had sent those mercenaries to burn down their village. Who else would order men to burn down village in the name of destroying magic?

So, when she turned thirteen, she told Gaius about her plan to leave for Londinium to make what she would of her broken life. She would take Catina, and they would find a way to start a new life far away from all that was familiar.

Gaius didn't approve.

But she wasn't going to stick around to be reminded of the pain and betrayal of her benefactors. Plans were made in secret to leave in the dead of night with younger sister in tow.

The last Gaius heard from the two young girls was a short letter left on his table, expressing their apologies and thanks for the hospitality that they otherwise wouldn't have received if their father hadn't been his friend.

THE OUTLAW 𖤓 A. Pendragon {1}Where stories live. Discover now