chapter four | web of lies

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pretty reckless.

chapter four | web of lies

        Stiles drove the jeep closer to Derek's house after the three saw Derek get into his car and drive off. Stiles, Scott and Clara were all packed in Stiles' jeep with only two shovels. Stiles had explained to the two werewolves that they were going to dig up the body for some stupid freaking reason. Stiles parked the jeep as they all walked towards the spot where "supposedly" the body was buried.

        "Something's different." Scott said as the shovels that were dangling from Stiles and Scott's hands started to rattle. The wind was swirling through the oak trees that lied in the forest, the autumn season getting colder and colder. 

        "Different how?" Clara said through gritted teeth. Honestly, this was not how she would like to spend her night. She would love to go home and eat cheese pizza while watching some TV show, but nope, Scott and Stiles thought of some stupid antic that for some odd freaking reason involved her.

        "I don't know?" Scott replied while she narrowed my eyes at him, "Let's just get this over with."

        Stiles and Scott started to dig while Clara stood aside, holding the flashlight in her shivering hand. It was cold out and Clara couldn't understand how they weren't cold. Despite being a werewolf with a supernatural protectiveness to the weather, she could still feel the lowering temperature. They continued to dig and dig. They eventually made a hole that was large, but wasn't to deep. While Clara watched the two, she focused on her ability to smell and sniffed slightly, trying to pick up a scent. She smelt blood, but it wasn't human blood. 

        Clara tugged her jacket closer to her body as she listened to the owls, "This is taking too long."

        "Just keep going." Stiles mumbled to Scott, ignoring her last comment.

        "What if he comes back?" Scott asked, his voice filled with worry. Who knows what the hell Derek would do if he found them? Honestly, Clara was nowhere near scared or threatened by Derek Hale. Sure, he was handsome and Clara totally digged the whole "tall, dark, and handsome" thing, but she was not afraid to kick his ass if it came done to it. That could be considered slightly reckless, considering he was years older and probably possessed more strength. Those facts didn't discourage the teenage girl though. 

        "Then we get the hell out of here."

        "What if he catches us?"

        Stiles sighed, "I have a plan for that."

        "Which is?" Clara rolled her eyes, having a feeling that this idea was probably something so idiotic that not even Einstein himself could figure it out.

        "You run one way. I run the other. Scott runs another way. Whoever he catches first, too bad." Stiles shrugged as it was plain and simple.

        Scott's eyes widened. "I hate that plan!"

        All Clara did was shrug, crossing her arms. "Considering the fact that I'm faster than both of you, I like my odds."

        "Oh, stop, stop, stop." Stiles hastily demanded once the two stopped digging. Clara peered over curiously, wondering if there was really something buried under the ground. The two brushed off some of the dirt to reveal a dirty sheet with thick rope tied around it.

        Scott watched Stiles try to undo the knots, but apparently it wasn't fast enough. "Hurry!"

        "I"m trying!" Stiles snapped back, still having trouble, "Did he have to tie the thing in, like, 900 knots?"

Pretty Reckless ━━ Derek Hale [1] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now