| THREE: Beating Hearts ✓

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     "I didn't need your help." Derek argued as he tried to catch up and follow Clara through the woods. All the hunters left without a trace and even if there was a visible one, neither werewolves were willing to follow it tonight. Scott, with anger fuming and boiling in his veins, stormed out of the forest long ago. It was past midnight and all Clara wanted to do was go home, and sleep in her bed. This night was one horrible event after another and she had hoped, practically begged, that her first day in a brand new town would not be filled with supernatural inventions. Her exhaustion was slowing taking over her body, her eyelids wanting to close as well. Sleep was exactly what Clara Lennon needed. But that wasn't gonna happen any time soon since Derek was not letting her go until he got answers.

     "Seemed like you did." Clara rolled her eyes as she walked up the steep hills. Honestly, Clara did not want to stand in the middle of nowhere listening to Derek rant and pester her. If it was any other night, maybe, just maybe, Clara would actually patiently stand still and answer all the rational questions whirling around in the man's thick skull.

     "How could I not have realized that you were a werewolf?" Derek asked himself with anger, flailing his arms to the side. Clara stopped walking but he when on anyway, "When I helped you to the car, did you know I was one?"

     She huffed before turning to face him, "No, I didn't. To be honest, whenever I come to a new place, my first instinct isn't to sniff them out to see if they're human or not."

     "Why were you even out here?" Derek asked, his irritation slowly descending from his voice.

     "I saw how the full moon was affecting Scott at the party. I followed his scent here to make sure he was okay." Clara answer blankly, shrugging her previous concern off nonchalantly. She didn't want to made a spectacle out of it and pretend to be hero of the night.

     He nodded, stepping closer to her, "Didn't think you would care that much."

     For some reason, a feeling of hurt spread through her body when he said that. Yes, she cared and yes, she wished she didn't. But Clara was never the one to go public her emotions. It was almost pathetic, in a way, how a mere day could make Clara care about three people already. She barely knew Scott, Stiles, or Allison, yet she still felt a strong protective bond over them. As long as she could remember, caring was always a trait she possessed. The only problem now was trying to diminish that instinct and banish it out of her personality. "Well, you don't really know me at all."

     In the seconds of silence that they spent with each other, both werewolves stood still, looking at one another. A thousand meaningless questions popped into her head as she fully registered the fact that Derek was a werewolf. For some reason, she felt intrigued and wanted to know every detail; was he born this way, is his family werewolves too, are his eyes blues or yellow? The questions could go on, but now wasn't the right time or place to go fangirl over a mysterious wolf.

     "At least let me take you home." Derek offered while Clara rolled her eyes, scoffing at the idea like it was the most absurd thing she had ever heard in her entire life.

     She crossed her arms, "I'm a big girl, Derek. I don't need you to take me home."

     "Please." He said with no emotion and he wasn't begging, he was just trying to do some nice, which seemed out of character for him. Clara thought for a moment, bouncing slightly on her feet in anxiousness. Pushing all of her stubbornness away, she agreed. The two walked to Derek's car silently. His car was parked in front of a giant house that was burnt and nearly completely demolished.

Pretty Reckless ━━ Derek Hale [1] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now