chapter ten | heart of stone

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10 // Chapter Ten

Heart of Stone

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        "The kitchen, the door out of the kitchen leads to the stairwell." Stiles said quickly.

        "Which only goes up!' Scott yelled over all the commotion.

        'Up is better than here." Clara added in. The door violently shook, all the nails and bolts falling out. the six teenagers then quickly made their way out of the room by using the back door. Clara could hear the Alpha busting into the room. Everyone ran up the stairs, Stiles and Clara in the lead. Each teen went to a classroom door, hoping one of them were unlocked. Finally, the found one that was.

        All of them piled into the empty chemistry classroom before shutting and locking the door, placing a stool under the door knob. The Alpha then crept along side the door on the other side, growling while slowly walking by. Clara could not believe that Jackson, Lydia and Allison were buying the whole Derek is a killer thing. Either they're ignorant or plain stupid, Clara thought.

        "Jackson, how many people can fit into your car?" She asked.

        "Five, if someone squeezes on someone's lap." He answered quickly.

        Allison looked at him, bewildered, "Five? I can barely fit in the back seat."

        "It doesn't matter. There's no getting out without drawing attention." Stiles explained, growing more anxious by the second.

        Scott then rushed over to a closed door one the other side, Stiles and Clara following him, "What about this? This leads to the roof. We can go down the fire escape to the parking lot in, like, seconds."

        "That's a deadbolt." Clara muttered.

        The teen wolf's eyes widened, "The janitor has a key."

        "You mean his body has a key." Clara retorted, crossing her arms.

        "I can get it. I can find him by scent, by blood." Scott determined.

        "Well, gee, that sounds like an incredibly terrible idea. What else you got?" Stiles sarcastically said.

        "I'm getting the key." Scott stubbornly said.

        Clara stepped forward, "If you're going then I'm going."

        "No. If he comes back, I need you to protect everybody." Scott explained. All right, Clara knew that she was a werewolf and everything but her and four other powerless teenagers against a raging, homicidal Alpha. She would imagined it wouldn't make a difference if she went with him or not but she decided not to argue with him.

        Allison had heard their not so hushed conversation about Scott getting the key, "Are you serious?"

        "Well, it's the best plan. Someone has to get the key if we wanna get out of here.' Scott replied to her.

        "You cannot go out there unarmed." Allison hissed at him.

        Scott being Scott, grabbed a long and thin pointer stick with a hand on it. When he noticed all the "are you serious' faces going on, he questioned, "Well, its better than nothing."

        Clara let out a frustrated sigh, "There has to be something else."

        "There is." Lydia responded before nodding her head over to the glass cabinet of different sorts of chemical.

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