chapter fourteen | miguel juarez

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14 // Chapter Fourteen

Miguel Juarez

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Clara followed Stiles up the stairs to his room. He had wanted to trace the text that Allison had gotten from the night of the school incident. Clara obviously had no idea why she had to be there for him to trace one meaningless text.

"Again, why do I have to be here?" Clara questioned as the two walked into his room, Stiles immediately sitting at his computer desk.

"To help me!" Stiles exclaimed while typing away on his laptop.

"With what? Trying to help you trace a text or find a girl who will actually sleep with you?" Clara sarcastically remarked as she flopped down onto his bed, flipping through some book, "Two very different concepts even though one of them is probably impossible."

"Hey Stiles!" Clara heard the Sheriff yell as he walked up the stairs.

"Yo da-Derek?" Stiles yelped out as he whirled around in his chair. Confused, Clara adverted her eyes over to where Stiles was staring at. Derek Hale, in his usual hot yet brooding self, was standing in the corner. He had his index finger pressed against his lip, telling Stiles to shut the hell up, before pointing angrily at the door.

Stiles stumbled over to the entrance of the door, standing in front of his father but also blocking his father's way in. Clara slid off of the bed and walked over to Derek, speaking in a hush tone, "What are you doing here? You do realize you're a wanted fugitive in the Sheriff's household, right?"

"And here I thought you were happy to see me." Derek smirked at his girlfriend.

Unable to hide the small smile and the blush that was creeping up her cheeks, Clara stifled a chuckle.

"Is Clara in there?" She heard the Sheriff ask.

Stiles quickly glanced over at Clara before pulling her next to him. Balancing herself, Clara looked at the Sheriff with a wide smile, "Hey there Sheriff."

"Hey Clara. Are you coming to the lacrosse game tonight?" He asked her.

Clara nodded, "Oh yeah. Save me a seat."

"Sure thing." Sheriff Stilinski chuckled before adverting his attention over to his son, " I'm very proud."

Stiles nodded awkwardly, "Oh, me too. Again, I'm" The Sheriff pulled his son into a hug,"- Huggie - Huggie, huggie -"

"See you there."

"Take it easy." Stiles added on before the Sheriff left. Stiles bent his head back as he sighed in relief. The two teenagers finally re-entered the room but Derek slammed Stiles against the wooden door.

"If you say one word -"

"Oh, what, you mean, like, 'Hey, dad, Derek Hale's in my room - Bring your gun'?" Stiles remarked as Derek became silent, "Yeah, that's right. If I'm harboring your fugitive ass, it's my house, my rules, buddy."

Derek remained quite but nodded in agreement, straitening out Stiles' jacket. Stiles, being his usual dorky self, chuckled before straitening out Derek's' leather jacket which Clara knew was probably not a good idea. When Stiles began to walk away, Derek jerked his head at him threateningly.

"Oh my God!" Stiles muttered in fear as Clara giggled.

"Scott didn't get the necklace?" Derek questioned as Stiles sat back down at his chair and Clara flopped back down on Stiles' bed. She was surprised on how comfy his bed was.

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