chapter twelve | sugar lips and harsh words

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12 // Chapter Twelve

Sugar Lips and Harsh Words

Pour Some Sugar On Me // Def Leppard

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        The car ride was completely silent, only the rumbling of the tires driving over the road. Stiles hasn't spoken one word to her since lacrosse practice. All he had told her was that Scott made-out with Lydia in coach's office. Guess Clara wasn't the only one who hook-upped in a teacher's office.

        The full moon's affect was quickly cascading over and it was slightly overwhelming her. But after sixteen years of learning how to control her shifting, Clara maintain the urge to wolf out and slash someone's throat. Stiles's finally parked his jeep in front of the McCall household before the two teenagers began walking towards the front door. Clara had no idea how the hell Stiles's had a house key but she didn't ask.

        When the two walked into the house, a women in a nurse outfit, Clara guessing it was scott's mother, stopped walking right in front of them, "Stiles?"

        'Stiles." Stiles awkwardly smiled back, waving a little as well.

        She then pointed to the small silver key in Stiles's hand, "Key."

        "That doesn't surprise me. It scares me, but it doesn't surprise me." She said before turning his head over to see Clara, smiling warm-heartily, "Who's this?"

        Clara smiled widely before sticking out her hand, "Hi, I'm Clara Lennon. I'm a friend of Scott and Stiles."

        Her smile slightly withered away once she said her name but it grew right back, wider than ever, "Well it's lovely to meet you Clara. I'm Melissa, Scott's mother." That's when Stiles dropped the large, black duffel bag, a loud thud following after it, "What is that?"

        "Uh, school project." Stiles hesitantly answered.

        Melissa nodded, not believing him but not questioning him any further which was probably the best idea, "Stiles, he's okay, right?"

        "Who? Scott? Yeah." Stiles stammered.

        Melissa sighed sadly, "He just doesn't talk to me that much anymore, not like he used to."

        "Well, he's had a bit of a rough week." Clara added.

        She nodded, "Yeah, yeah, I get it. Yeah, um - Okay, uh - Be careful tonight."

        "You too." Stiles said, smiling slightly.

        "Full moon."

        "What!" Both Clara and Stiles said, their eyes wide and voice loud, surprised and cautious at the same thing.

        "There's a full moon tonight. You should see how the E.R. Gets. Brings out all the nut jobs." Melissa chuckled before making her way over to the door, "You know, it's, um, actually where they came up with the word lunatic."

        Once the door closed and locked, the two teenagers let out a breath of relief. The two teenagers then walked up the stairs and opened Scott's bedroom door. Stiles fumbled with the light switch until finally turning it on but ended up jumping in fright, "Oh, my God! Dude. You scared the hell out of me. Your mom said you weren't home yet."

        "I came in through the window." His voice was a lot deeper, darker, and lower. He was looking at the two others with almost-murderous eyes, glaring hatefully. Clara could think of one reason to why he was like this way. It was because of the full moon.

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