chapter seven | ptsd

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07 // Chapter Seven


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        Clara looked around as she walked into the video store, hearing the ding of the bell. It was empty, as far as she could see, until she stopped, spotting a familiar lacrosse player looking through the aisle.

        "Can somebody help me find The Notebook?" Jackson called out while Clara covered her mouth to stop her from bursting out laughing, "Hello? Is anybody working here? You gotta be kidding me."

        Once Jackson noticed Clara standing there, she strutted her way over to them, "Well they there Whittemore. Let me guess the whole 'Notebook" movie deal was all Lydia?"

        He sighed in annoyance, "Yep. What about you?"

        "Um, I'm not sure. I was thinking horror but I could always watch a romantic comedy." Clara chuckled.

        A guilty expression was suddenly plastered on his face, "Listen, about what happened at the party, I-"

        He stopped, his eyes moving past Clara. Clara, confused, turned around and saw a shoe by the end of an aisle. Jackson then grabbed her wrist and gently tugged Clara backwards, making her stand behind him. Clara rolled her eyes, crossed her arms when he did so. She was a werewolf and could probably kick his ass. Of course, she couldn't tell him that.

        Slowly, Jackson moved closer to the aisle with Clara following behind. When they both stood beside the aisle, a man lied dead on the ground with his throat slashes, blood dripping down. Clara screamed, suddenly clinging onto Jackson's arm. She never thought in a million years that she would cling onto Jackson's arm.

        But Jackson moved backwards, bumping into the metal latter. The latter fell causing the light above to as well. All the lights started to flicker on and off. The two teenagers turned around once they heard low growling. That's when they saw an animal, hidden within the shadows a few aisles down. But what caught Clara's attention was the searing red eyes.

        The Alpha.

        Jackson grabbed Clara and pulled her to the ground, hidden by the shelves of movies. To frightened to look behind, she heard crashes and more growling. Suddenly, all the aisles came falling down like dominoes. But Jackson and Clara weren't fast enough to move out of the way.

        Jackson fell to the ground, on his stomach, while Clara fell onto her back. The aisle was crushing on top of them and neither of them were strong enough to move. Clara, of course, could move it but with Jackson next to her, she didn't want to show any of her werewolf abilities.

        Her eyes widened once the Alpha got closer to the two. His red eyes were bright and his attention was on the two teenagers. The Alphas lowered his claws and gazed over the claw marks on Jackson's neck. Clara never noticed them. While Jackson had his eyes screw shut out of fear, Clara looked the Alpha right in the eyes. Without really thinking, Clara made her eyes glow gold, signally that she was a werewolf.

        Immediately, the Alpha backed away and ran out, crashing into the window. Clara heard a girl scream but didn't dwell on it too long.

        Clara had just come face to face with the Alpha.

        Clara sat next to Lydia on the back of an ambulance. Police surrounded the place and nurses had just got done checking the three of them out. Jackson was standing next to Lydia, cursing out one of the ambulance nurses. All of them wanted to go home but they wouldn't let them.

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