Chapter 1

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"I just don't understand what everyone sees in him? I mean, sure, he's attractive, but what else does he have?" Louis muttered, watching the pack leader flirt with a brunette omega across the hallway.

Liam chuckled next to him, following his gaze. "Why do you even pay attention to him if you dislike him so much?" he asked, raising his brows.

Louis frowned, hugging his book close to his chest. "It's not like I have a choice, do I? You know just as well as I that it's impossible for us to ignore him. Besides, he's not making it better by flaunting his authority like that."

When he glanced across the hallway again, he could see Harry leaning in to sniff at the omega's neck while she was very obviously presenting it for him, his long, curly hair brushing her skin. Louis couldn't help but scrunch his nose at the sight, not understanding how they could do something as intimate as scenting when people were watching. It made his stomach turn.

"Just look at him," Louis grimaced, shaking his head. "Who does he think he is? The queen?"

Liam rolled his eyes but looked over at Harry anyway. "Well, he is the pack leader. Not that it gives him any right to do stuff no one else is allowed to do around here, but he does have authority whether you like it or not."

Louis pursed his lips. "That doesn't mean he has to show it off. It's disturbing and very unattractive. I just don't understand what people see in him."

"He's charming," Liam stated, his lips curling into a smile. "I'm pretty sure that's what people like about him. Besides, he is pleasing to look at. You can't deny that."

When Louis sent him a glare, Liam raised a hand, indicating he wasn't finished. "But I agree. He shouldn't use his power the way he does. It makes him a bit unreliable, yeah?" he said, looking at Louis expectantly.

"Yes," Louis confirmed. "He's supposed to be our pack leader, the alpha we should look up to and trust. Using his authority doesn't give off the vibe you'd want from someone like that."

Liam seemed to think about what he had just said, a crease forming between his brows. "I don't think he's that bad, though. He does a lot of good stuff as well."

Louis let out a scoff. "Like what? Talk to some buff alphas from other districts so they won't come here and attack us? Are we even sure he's doing a good job at it? What if we get attacked one day out of nowhere just because he's said something stupid or hasn't paid enough attention?"

Liam chuckled, letting Louis know he was overreacting. "He's been our pack leader for three years. If we haven't gotten attacked yet, I don't think we will."

"Probably because his uncle is helping him," Louis snorted, shaking his head.

He refused to believe Harry was the reason they had been safe all this time. Even if he did show up to all those meetings, pay attention, and didn't say anything stupid, there was no way he did anything productive. Not to mention the fact that he was young. He was only eighteen when he became pack leader, now being twenty-one. It was hard to picture him living up to his expectations.

"Besides, people are saying he killed his family, so I don't think we should be trusting him, don't you agree?" Louis continued, raising his brows at him pointedly.

Liam knitted his brows. "You don't seriously believe in that rumor, do you? Why would he, as a sixteen-year-old, kill his family to become pack leader when he knew he had to wait until he was eighteen?"

Pursing his lips, Louis shrugged. "Don't ask me, but he's not making it seem like it's anything but the truth when he embraces the title as if he's wanted it his whole life," he huffed, looking over at the alpha who was still sniffing the brunette omega's neck. "We both know you're only defending him because you like Zayn anyway," he added.

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