Chapter 21

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TW: Sexual harassment

When Louis woke up the next day, he felt like he would rather stay in bed than go to university. He mostly blamed himself for what happened last night with Harry, but at the same time, he knew that he shouldn't. He should be able to ask a question without making Harry leave or at least get an explanation, but he didn't. He got nothing.

While Louis didn't want to leave his bed, he knew he couldn't afford to miss anything uni-related, especially since his heat was coming up, so he reluctantly got up to get ready.

He had started taking the suppressants yesterday and hoped Harry was right that they would have an effect on this heat already. It would save him from missing too much schoolwork and hopefully preserve him some self-respect.

When he exited the dormitory and walked to the university building across campus, he could feel nerves build up in his stomach. The idea of facing Harry after yesterday wasn't tempting. Louis wondered if he would even spare him a glance or if their deal of being scenting partners was even running anymore, but he would rather not let his mind drift that far.

When Louis reached his locker, he was surprised to find Liam standing there with Zayn, as they usually hung around at Zayn's with his friends. "Good morning," Louis greeted, putting in his combination.

"Good morning," Liam replied, his eyes zooming in on Louis' neck. "What the hell is that?"

Furrowing his brows, Louis looked at him. "What are you talking about?"

"Your neck," Liam laughed, exchanging an amused smile with Zayn. "Didn't know you were the kind of person who's into that."

Instinctively, Louis' hand flew up to the spot on his neck that Harry had been one second from biting yesterday, his stomach turning at the thought of what it looked like. He regretted not checking himself in the mirror more thoroughly this morning. "Fucking asshole," he muttered, slamming his locker shut after getting rid of his jacket.

Liam and Zayn chuckled as Louis left them to go to the nearest bathroom and look at the damage. He bypassed a lot of students on his way, but none of them luckily seemed to pay much attention to him.

When he finally closed the bathroom door, he walked over to the sink to look at the mark on his neck. Thankfully, it wasn't too big or apparent, but it was still there, a bright purple hickey.

"Fucking knothead," he muttered, tracing the mark with a scowl on his face.

The sound of one of the faucets turning on made Louis almost jump out of his skin. He turned to his left to see a beta he barely recognized standing there, washing his hands. He sent Louis a weird look but didn't say a word as he dried his hands with paper towels and left the place.

Louis sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he followed the beta out of the bathroom. If he had make-up, he would've used it to cover the hickey, but now he could only hope that Liam would be the only one to notice it. It wasn't too big after all.

Before walking to the lecture hall, he returned to his locker to fetch his laptop. Destiny was already in the hall, sending him a confused look as he walked up the stairs. "Where have you been all morning? I didn't see you at the dormitory, and you weren't at your locker when I walked by either."

Louis bit his lip, placed his laptop on the desk, and sat down beside her. "I snoozed my alarm," he explained, and it wasn't particularly a lie. He had stayed in bed longer than he should have this morning.

He could see her narrow her eyes in suspicion through the corner of his eye. "Did anything happen yesterday?"

Turning to meet her gaze, Louis furrowed his brows. "Why would you think that?"

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