Chapter 19

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When Louis and Liam got back to their dorm, Louis laid down on his bed and curled himself into a ball while facing the wall. He felt numb. He hadn't let himself think about Harry since he found out what he had done. If he did, he was afraid his emotions would explode and he would find himself dropping again.

A few seconds later, he could feel the bed dip next to him, but he didn't turn around. "Is it okay if I lay here?" Liam asked, making sure not to touch Louis' body.

"Yeah. Just... please don't touch me."

Louis could hear Liam swallow audibly. "Of course," he assured. "Tell me if you change your mind."

He wouldn't change his mind. Touching anyone right now would only make him flinch and make things worse. Louis had been in similar situations before, and it never ended well if someone touched him. "Sure."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Liam asked, and Louis could hear the hesitation in his voice.

"I don't know," Louis admitted. "I'm afraid I'll drop."

Liam was quiet for a while. "I see," he eventually said. "Do you mind if I ask where you and Harry stand right now? If you don't want to answer, you don't have to, of course."

"If I'm honest, I don't know where we stand after this," Louis confessed. "We were... kind of getting along. I took him home from the pub, and he mentioned he admired me while he was drunk and said he didn't hate me. Then he acted as if he didn't remember anything yesterday, and I still don't know if he does. We were bickering a bit, but not on the level we've done before."

Liam hummed thoughtfully.

Louis closed his eyes. "We agreed that we should start communicating since staying away from each other apparently didn't work."

"Yet he decided to spend his rut with an omega without telling you?" Liam huffed.

Louis curled in on himself more, which Liam noticed. "I'm sorry," he apologized. "I shouldn't have said that."

Shaking his head, Louis inhaled a deep breath. "No, you're right. It doesn't make sense to me either."

A sigh escaped Liam's lips. "I still shouldn't have said it. You didn't want to talk about it, and I still brought it up."

Louis rolled onto his back, staring at the ceiling. "I don't know why he didn't just tell me when we talked about it yesterday. It would've made this situation much easier, but now it feels like he didn't care about how I would feel."

Liam bit his lip. "Maybe he was afraid of your reaction?" he tried to reason.

"He knows I'd rather him tell me than not tell me at all," Louis muttered. "He should've learned from what happened last time I called him out on it."

"You've called him out on it before?"

"Yeah," Louis confirmed. "When Nathalie was talking about sleeping with him and he showed up with her to the lecture, I told him I felt the same way he did when he saw me with Derek. I also told him he didn't respect me if he thought being seen with her was okay but not for me to be with someone else."

"And what did he do then?"

Louis thought about it and realized Harry hadn't spent time with her openly after that, apart from at the pub. "I've only seen her with him once, at the pub."

"That's interesting," Liam hummed.

"It didn't stop him from going behind my back now, though," Louis muttered. "He probably knew I'd be pissed about it, but it doesn't matter. He should've known it'd be best to tell me."

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