Chapter 7

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Louis never managed to catch up with Liam after he left the scene, so he decided to head to his lecture and sit through the hour while patiently waiting for it to be over. But all he wanted was to ensure that Liam was alright, even though he knew he wasn't.

He didn't know what he had expected from Zayn, but he didn't think he would be that stupid. He thought he was at least a decent alpha, one who treated omegas somewhat fairly, but it turned out he was just as much of an arse as Harry. Seeing as they were best friends, he shouldn't be surprised, though.

When the lecture finally ended, Louis walked back to his locker, hoping that Liam would already be there when he arrived. The hallways were quite busy, students almost knocking into each other's shoulders while trying to move forward. That unfortunately didn't stop Louis from noticing Harry in the mass of people, but at least he couldn't make out his scent well.

He was standing at the wall of lockers with the same girl he had scented at the party. They were talking to each other, but the omega seemed insistent on doing something else, judging from the way she was looking at Harry.

Louis could feel bile rise in his throat when Harry placed a hand on the omega's shoulder, just like he had done to him only a couple of days ago. He didn't know if it was because it wasn't him this time or if he was disgusted by the fact that he had been the one receiving the touch two days ago.

No matter what, he had to look away from the scene as he swallowed the bile down. He kept walking to his locker with stilted legs, trying to shake the image of the two out of his head, but it wasn't easy. He could slowly feel the disgust with himself return to his body all over again.

Unfortunately, this pattern seemed to repeat over the next two weeks. Louis would find Harry with a different omega every other day. Some were female, some were male, and Louis reacted the same way every time it happened. It was as though Harry wouldn't let Louis forget how he had felt about their encounter no matter how hard Louis tried.

Not once did Harry acknowledge him, though. Louis was pretty sure those green eyes hadn't been set on him since the night of the party. It was a relief to him, but his omega had never felt so neglected and weak. It was threatening to take over his mind completely.

He found it difficult to stay focused when talking to his friends, and he often found himself distancing from them. Louis hated it. He wanted his omega to forget about his stupid encounter with Harry and move on from it, but it wouldn't let him. He tried to remain strong and be there for Liam when he needed him, but Louis was battling his own problems, and it was almost eating him up inside.

Things with Liam and Zayn remained the same as well. They hadn't talked since the morning after they had sex, and Zayn didn't seem to have any intention of doing so. Liam was sad, but also pissed. Louis would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night by Liam rolling around in his bed, unable to sleep. And his brows were furrowed more often than not.

On the other hand, Liam being upset resulted in him not suspecting anything about what Louis was going through. Louis was grateful for that since Liam was the only one who knew that Louis had emitted pheromones due to an alpha's scent by only being in the same room as them. Therefore, Liam would probably be able to connect the dots if he wanted to.

Destiny and Niall had no clue, but Louis tried his best not to show that his omega was upset, so he didn't blame them for not seeing it. They were more focused on Liam, and he couldn't blame them for that either since he was a mess.

Allegedly, Zayn and Gigi were still together, although they weren't seen together as often. Louis had no idea how they managed to make their relationship work when both of them had cheated on each other. If it were him, he would have kissed his boyfriend goodbye and never looked at him again, but that didn't seem to be the case.

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