Chapter 2

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"Liam, will you please stop throwing popcorn at me?"

It was now evening, and Louis, Liam and Destiny had finally finished school and all their studies for the day. They were gathered in the lounge on the bottom floor of the dormitory, Liam sitting on the couch next to Louis with a few other omegas while Louis was sharing one with Destiny. His head was resting against the armrest of the couch while his feet were splayed over her lap, which she somehow didn't seem to mind.

The TV was playing the movie Destiny had been talking about earlier, but apparently, Liam wasn't too interested in it. "Liam, what the hell?" he grumbled when Liam didn't stop throwing popcorn at him, and he sat up to shoot him a glare.

Liam's face looked neutral when Louis' gaze found his, no emotion even hinting at taking over his features. "It's called payback," he said, spreading his lips into a feigned smile.

Louis rolled his eyes, lying back down on the couch. "You're unbelievable," he huffed, tossing some of the popcorn back at him.

At this point, Louis knew Liam wasn't pissed at him anymore (if he even was to begin with), but Liam apparently thought it was fun to keep their disagreement about Zayn and Harry going longer than necessary.

Liam squeaked when the popcorn hit him straight in his chest, earning glares from the omegas invested in the movie. "Louis, what the hell?"

Louis turned his head against the armrest to smirk at him. "It's called payback," he mocked, making Liam's lips curl into a genuine smile this time.

"Guys, could you please respect the people who want to watch the movie?" Destiny pleaded, flicking her gaze between them exasperatedly.

"Sorry, love," Louis grinned a bit too wide, making her huff.

Louis and Liam stayed quiet for the next half hour even though they didn't watch the movie. Louis tried to several times, but he wasn't really interested in romantic drama movies, and he knew that Liam wasn't either, so they spent most of the time texting each other instead.

The other omegas (Destiny and five other girls), on the other hand, seemed unable to take their eyes off the screen. The only reason they paused the movie half an hour later was because one of them had to use the toilet, and Louis couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Destiny turned to him with raised brows. "Was that a sigh of relief I heard?"

Louis bit his lip. "I just needed a breather. We've been watching this movie for ages," he explained, but she could see right through him.

"You mean we have been watching it while you and Liam have been texting each other? If you don't like it, you could have just told me. I wouldn't have made you stay here, you know?" She sent him a faint smile, making him feel a bit guilty.

"It's not that I don't want to be here. I'm just not very fond of romantic drama movies."

"Me neither," Liam butted in.

Destiny looked between the two of them, thinking for a few seconds. "Alright, but don't feel obligated to stay if you don't want to."

"Promise," Louis said truthfully.

He wasn't particularly a macho type of guy who only enjoyed science-fiction and action movies, but drama had never really been his thing. He usually stayed as far away from it as possible, not wanting to get involved in things his mind wouldn't be able to stop thinking about. He was aware that watching a movie about drama was another thing, but it usually only reminded him of his past, and so did romance.

"By the way, did you guys hear that Louis somehow managed to catch every alpha's attention in the lecture today?"

Louis' eyes widened at Destiny's words, his heart coming to an abrupt stop. He didn't expect her to mention what happened. He thought he had made it clear that he didn't want to talk about it.

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