Chapter 16

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It wasn't until Louis stepped out into the empty hallway that the reality of what he and Harry had just done and discussed crashed down on him. He could feel dread erupt in his stomach and bile in his throat.

Not only had he let Harry scent mark him, but he had also proposed the idea of them scenting each other daily. He felt sick thinking about how weak he had been for the alpha. He couldn't believe that he had let things go so far.

Louis had to admit he was still positive that getting used to each other's scents was the only way for them not to crave each other so much, but he agreed that it was too risky, especially when they couldn't control themselves as it was. Additionally, it was an act out of Louis' comfort zone.

Only a few weeks ago, he didn't even know what scenting an alpha was like. Hell, he would barely let his friend touch him, and now he was suggesting that he and Harry Styles should scent each other.

It was so stupid. It was ridiculous even. He could barely scent the alpha without dropping. This was the first time he hadn't done so. There were so many reasons why this was a bad idea, and the fact that it was Harry Styles, the alpha Louis had loathed since the beginning of university, was even more absurd. He had completely lost his mind.

Pure panic coursed through him as he walked to his locker, grateful that everyone was eating lunch so no one could see him in this state. People watching him whilst he was on the verge of hyperventilating was the last thing he wanted right now.

It wasn't until he opened his locker that he realized he had left his laptop in the scrub with Harry. His stomach turned at the mere thought of going back in there to fetch it, so he only grabbed his jacket before shutting his locker and walking towards the exit of the building.

The second he inhaled fresh air, he could feel his muscles relax remotely. It felt good to be outside in the cold weather, away from the alpha and everything that reminded him of what had just happened. His heart rate slowly but surely slowed, but the nausea remained like a cloud over his senses.

It scared Louis how pliant he had fallen against Harry when he asked him to scent-mark him, how easily he had given in to his wishes, especially when he had been determined not to acknowledge him after their last encounter.

Biting his bottom lip, Louis pressed his thumb against the plate under the security system and opened the door, not wasting a second to go upstairs and into his and Liam's dorm.

As soon as he closed the door behind him, he walked over to his bed and fell face-first against the mattress, groaning into his pillow. This was a mess. His life was a mess. The only thing reassuring him was that Harry hadn't agreed to his suggestion. At least one of them still seemed to have control over the situation.

However, Louis had to admit that it hurt knowing Harry could scent and scent-mark any omega without any problem, but when it came to Louis, the idea seemed repulsive. He didn't want Harry to be interested in him, but it still hurt.

Tightening his hold on the pillow, Louis squeezed his eyes shut and inhaled a deep breath, wanting to be enveloped in peace and comfort, but the scent that hit his nostrils caught him off guard. It wasn't Louis' scent. It was his mixed with Harry's.

The realization made Louis' eyes fly open, and he sat up in bed with a jolt. Turning his face towards the shoulder Harry had been leaning on only a few minutes ago, he inhaled another shuddered breath only for his speculations to be confirmed. It was definitely his and Harry's mixed scents.

He knew this should make him want to tear his clothes off, but there was something about it that made him lay down on the bed again and nuzzle his nose into the pillow as their mixed scents filled the space. To Louis' dismay, it was more comforting than inhaling his own scent, but he needed the consolation more than ever right now, so he would take whatever made him feel better.

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