Brahms and The Internet

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This is a Headcanon. E

•Oh my God this absolute loser--

•Has anyone ever asked you more than thirty questions in five minutes? Because if you've never experienced it, then I promise you, you have now.

,•He wants to know everything. Apps, settings, brightness and volume, basics. Then he wants to know everything everything, like who is Shrek and why is he asking for my nude photos??????

•Don't let the boy know what nudes are, you'll be getting them every time you leave the room he's in. Even if he doesn't know I garuntee he'll start sending you videos of 👀 certain acts not to be identified in the presence of children

•Through the internet he downloads all the stupid games that you see as an advertisement and you just have to explain to him that all these games are the same game with different colors

•May the lord be with you because once he finds out about the NSFW websites it is all over for you. You can't put him in horny jail enough times.

•After you get past him learning about memes and figuring out about the unsafe parts of the internet, he's searching up whatever. He loves learning about music and plants, taxidermy, anything. When he finds out someone remixed Beethoven he absolutely loses his mind

•He's either foaming at the mouth with astonishment or pure rage, there's no in between

•With the internet, he learns about his mentality. He learns about age regression, child abuse, everything. Then it all begins to make sense, and he is a surprisingly logical man when he isn't regressing. He's learning how to care for his own psychological needs, and you have got to be proud of him for all his hard work.

•He wants to be a better man for you, and he can't do that if he's throwing a tantrum over his food being spicy. Luckily for him he's been graced with the presence of never-ending knowledge on the internet.

•He is as logical as he is gullible, though. So you will have to tell him some things aren't real. Like the Queen of England.

I'll Be Good, I Will (Brahms Heelshire × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now