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Caroline tried to hide her blush as once again Lewis complimented her. What was supposed to be just one drink turned into three and both of them were enjoying each other's company, although Caroline will never admit it.

"Don't look away," Lewis confidently told her as she turned her face so he doesn't notice her blushing cheeks.

Caroline smiled a little before looking at him again. Even under the dim light of the bar, Lewis can see that his words are having an effect on her, maybe it's the alcohol that is doing half of the job.

Lewis was about to say something when Caroline's phone started ringing and Max's name popped up.

"Your teammate is worried about you," Lewis said as Caroline declined the call and shot a quick text, telling Max that she is safe and fine.

"Yeah..he is a little overprotective," Caroline gave a tight smile before taking another sip of her drink.

"Listen," Lewis gently put his hand on her hand which was resting on the table, making Caroline once again look at him. "I know you only agreed to come tonight because of Max..but you gotta admit, we are really having a good time."

"It's that alcohol," Caroline showed him the glass before finishing her drink.

Lewis chuckled, his eyes barely looking away from her.

"Okay, then let's do something else," he stood up and grabbed her arm.

"What..?" Caroline looked confused.

"Come on, let hit the dance floor," he didn't give her a chance to reply and pulled her to the dance floor.

She opened her mouth to protest but he spins her around and pulled her closer. She giggled as his arm wrapped around her waist.

"You really like to take charge, don't you?" Caroline asked as they started dancing.

"Haven't you heard all the news? I am a control freak," Lewis replied as he once again spines her around.

"Oh I have heard a lot more than that," Caroline smirked. "And most of them are true."


Max didn't sleep well as his mind was constantly worrying about Caroline. She declined all his calls and just sent a few texts saying she is fine. He knows she can take care of herself but the thought of her alone with his rival doesn't sit right with him.

He even went to check up on her in the morning but she was not in her room, which made her even more worried for her. After a while, she texted him that she will meet him at the airport as they are going back to Monaco together, and here he is now waiting for her to show up.

"Sorry," Caroline said as she came rushing towards Max. "Why...why do you look like you haven't slept all night?"

"Because I didn't," Max glared at Caroline. "What were you doing with him all night?"

"Just had some drinks..and then we danced," she replied.

"All night?" he looked annoyed and angry. "You know how worried I was?"

"I know Max, and I am really sorry," she apologized. "Wait..where is Kelly?"

"She went home last night, you know, to give me some space," he rolled his eyes. "Come on, we need to get on the plane. I will scold you after we take off."


Lewis woke up on his bed, only to find the other side empty. He was hoping Caroline will still be there but she managed to wake up before him and leave without making a single sound.

He laid on his back as a smile appeared on his face as he remembered the previous smile and the time he shared with Caroline. Neither of them expected to end the night in Lewis' hotel room but he is glad and happy about it, now only hoping Caroline felt the same way.

He checked his phone to see posts about Caroline already at the airport. A chuckled left his lips when he noticed her neck covered with a scarf, once again remembering their time together.


"Can you please stop looking at me like I killed someone?" Caroline asked Max.

He is clearly not happy.

"I would have been less angry if you had actually killed someone," he mumbled angrily.

"Max please, I am a grown woman. I can do whatever I want," Caroline tried to reason with him.

"That doesn't mean that I won't be worried about you," he looked away. "I pushed Lewis off track for you when I thought I wasn't going to win, but you went out with him anyway."

"That was intentional?" Caroline gasped.

"For you," he nodded. "But now it seems like I did it for nothing."

"I.." Caroline was speechless.

"I know you went out with him for me, but from now on I never want you to do something like that for me or to protect me," Max said softly.

"I won't," she smiled. "I promise."


A/N: Do you think Caroline did a mistake by going out with Lewis?

Max x Caroline or Lewis x Caroline?

And let's not forget that Caroline has commitment issues, so....

HIM AND I - Max Verstappen x OC x Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now