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Lewis felt a mix of emotion as he stared at the slides of instagram post right after he posted a bunch of photos about his eventful day, which helped him get Caroline out of his mind for a while, but after watching the recent photos of Caroline taken by some paparazzi his mind is once again occupied by her. She was spotted right outside a club.

For a minute he thought about going over there, maybe having a proper talk and apologize without any interference but soon enough another photo surfaced, and it was of Max entering the same club.

Lewis cursed as he put away his phone.


Caroline laughed as she danced with Eloise and Maria. Both her friends thought it will help divert her mind if they go out and have a good time, and maybe get drunk, and Caroline didn't even protest once.

"Your smile is back," Maria pointed out as she held Caroline's hand and they continued dancing.

"Well, I am drunk so.." Caroline laughed.

"Then let's get more drunk and keep that smile on your face," Eloise suggested. "Come on."

All three of them hit the bar and ordered their drinks. Caroline could feel that her feet are starting to hurt from all the dancing and wanted to take off her heels badly.

"Caroline?" the familiar raved haired called out her name.

Caroline immediately turned her head and came face to face with none other than Max's ex. Her eyes went slightly wide due to feeling surprised since the last time she saw Kelly was when Max cheated on her with Florence, but soon a welcoming smile appeared on her face.

"Kelly..hey," Caroline greeted her and both shared a quick hug. "How are you?"

"I am fine, doing really well," Kelly smiled. "I have moved on," she said, indirectly talking about her past relationship with Max. "And how are you?"

"I am..okay," Caroline forced a smile.

"Just okay?"Kelly raised her eyebrows as she noticed the slight tint of sadness in Caroline's eyes. "Who broke your heart? Is it Max? God how can he ruin.."

"No.." Caroline shook her head and smiled. "It's just some family stuff," she lied, almost convincing Kelly. "And max and I are not together so I don't have to worry about him breaking my heart," she joked to lighten the mood.

"Umm..I am here with some of my friends, would you like to join us?" Kelly asked. "It's one of my friend's birthday and she is a huge fan of you, it will make her day if you say a quick hello to her," she requested with a hopeful look on her face.

"Umm..sure," Caroline smiled.


"Seriously?" Eloise groaned. "You are everywhere."

"It's nice to see you too Eloise," Max sarcastically smiled as he got his drink. "So you are here alone?"

"No..." she replied. "But it feels like it. Caroline disappeared somewhere and Maria.."

"She is with your brother," Max replied as he looked around, hoping to find Caroline but failed to do so, no doubt she is somewhere in the crowd.

"Ughh! Daniel is here too?" Eloise groaned.

"Now imagine why I decided to leave them and get a drink," Max gave her a look of disgust as he took a sip of his drink.

Eloise immediately made the same expression of disgust.

"My friend and my brother..."Eloise shook her head. "I need to get that image out of my head.

Both clinked their glasses and finished their drink.


Caroline made her way through the crowd along with Kelly as she was going back to join her friends and Kelly wanted another drink.

"We should defiantly hand out more often," Kelly suggested.

Before Caroline could reply she literally ran into someone, separating her from Kelly. She was about to apologize but realized that it was none other than Max.

"Just when I stopped looking for you..." Max smiled.

"I didn't know you were here," Caroline replied as she tried her best to hide her surprised face.

"Daniel dragged me here," Max chuckled.

"Max?" Kelly joined them.

Suddenly the atmosphere turned awkward and Caroline hated every passing second of it. Max has seen or talked to Kelly since they broke up.

"I will..I will leave you two alone," Caroline said as she stepped away.

"No need," Kelly shot Max a glare but smiled at Caroline. "I am leaving anyway, enjoy your night Caroline."

Caroline watched as Kelly walked away and Max just stood there.

"You are not going to go after her?" Caroline looked at Max.

Max looked confused.

"Why would I?" Max asked as he looked at Caroline.

"Because she will resent you even more if you don't go after her and give her some closure of some sort," she replied as he smiled and gently rubbed his arm, encouraging him to follow her advice.

"And here I was hoping to dance with you," Max groaned, but already decided to act on Caroline's advice.

"We will dance later," Caroline smiled as she pushed Max towards the direction Kelly went to.


A/N: boring chapter...

Let me know what else you guys want to happen in this story, maybe some scenes or scenarios, or even some ideas to help move the story forward

Sometimes I get tired of this story and want to end in soon but sometimes I want to write extra 50 chapters...  

HIM AND I - Max Verstappen x OC x Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now