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Lewis x Caroline ending

Lewis carefully unlocked the door to his house and was not surprised to see that it was quiet since it was past midnight. He had just come back from another race and was tired, wanting nothing more than to have a quick shower and go to sleep.

Before heading upstairs to the bedroom he went to the kitchen to find some leftovers that Caroline always saves for him. He was not disappointed to find his dinner in the fridge. After having only a few bites he put it back as he was getting impatient to see his girlfriend and his daughter.

He made his way upstairs and opened the door to the bedroom as quietly as possible. His heart immediately warmed to see Caroline and their daughter Leila sleeping in the bed. Caroline had her hand loosely around the baby in a protective manner.

He went over to them and gently placed a kiss on Caroline's forehead, making her eyes flutter.

"You are back," Caroline smiled, her eyes barely open.

"I am," Lewis smiled as he gently caressed his daughter's cheek. "Now go back to sleep, I will join you two in a few minutes."

There was no need to tell Caroline twice, she immediately fell back asleep as she was too tired.

Lewis quickly showered and changed into something comfortable. He didn't waste any time and got on the bed. He decided not to put Leila in the crib which was next to the bed and just let her stay where she is, right between her parents.

He took a quick photo of Caroline and Leila before he laid down on the side, facing his daughter and his girlfriend.

A soft yet happy smile was plastered on his face as he fell asleep.


Caroline woke up a little later than usual, mostly because she wasn't forced to get up early by Leila's crying. She is aware that Lewis got back last night but when she opened her eyes she noticed both Lewis and Leila were not in the room.

She is aware that Leila is with Lewis somewhere in the house so she just stayed in bed for another ten minutes or so, trying to enjoy the calmness. After getting out of bed she took the opportunity to take a quick shower without any worry. Moments like this became rare as soon as Leila was born.

After that Caroline made her way downstairs, a smile appeared on her face when she heard Lewis talking to their daughter, telling her about the race even if she has no idea and is way too young to understand anything.

Lewis heard Caroline approaching and he slightly tilted his head to look at her.

"Hey.." Caroline smiled and bent down to kiss him.

"Hey," Lewis smiled and kissed her back.

Lewis was sitting on the couch with their three months daughter in his arms and was feeding her a bottle. Leila had her eyes wide open and was comfortable in her father's arms.

"I was worried where you two disappeared," Caroline took her seat right next to Lewis.

"She started crying so I rushed her downstairs," Lewis replied with a soft smile. "Didn't want her to wake up her mama...I also wanted to spend some time with her."

Caroline caressed Lewis' cheek with her index finger before placing a kiss. He knows how tired she gets from looking after Leila when he is gone and is always considerate to her when he is present in the house.

"Did you get any sleep?" Caroline asked as finished drinking the milk from the bottle and was silently relaxing.

"I got a few hours," Lewis replied as Leila held his finger with both her tiny hands and gave it her full attention.

"Well.." Caroline got up from the couch. "I will go make us breakfast."

She only took a couple of steps when Leila started crying when she realized her mom left her side.

"I think she loves you more than she loves me," Lewis chuckled.

Caroline immediately turned around and Lewis gently placed Leila in her hands. The baby immediately stopped crying.

Caroline gave Lewis a defeated look.

"You stay with her," He suggested. "I will go make us something to eat."

Caroline nodded but followed Lewis to the kitchen. Leila was enjoying the company of both her loving parents.

"Would your mom mind if we ask her to stay with us for a few weeks again?" Caroline asked. When Leila was born Lewis' mom stayed over and helped a great deal, only now Caroline has realized how much she made everything easy for her.

"Why would she mind?" Lewis chuckled. "Only yesterday she was asking me if you and Leila are doing okay and if you need any help."

"I will give her a call today," Caroline smiled.

Lewis cut some fruits and fed a piece to Caroline before having one himself. But as soon as he stepped away Leila started crying again.

"Let's switch," Caroline huffed. Her daughter is cute and she loves her the most and is perfect in her eyes but one thing she wishes is that Leila would cry a little less.

Lewis nodded and wiped his hands before taking his daughter in his arms and Caroline resumed his work in the kitchen.


HIM AND I - Max Verstappen x OC x Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now