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Toto x Caroline

A/N: just an alternate possibility. This chapter as no relation to the actual story


A smile appeared on Toto Wolff's face when he saw Caroline walking towards him guided by the waiter. He can't help but admire her as he stood up from his chair as a polite gesture. 

"I was starting to think that you were not going to show up," Toto said as Caroline reached the table. 

"I almost didn't," Caroline replied. "But it's hard not to show up when you sent a car to pick me up."

"Well, that's how I do business meetings," Toto said proudly. 

The waiter was about to pull the chair opposite to Toto but before that Toto pulled the chair near him. Caroline raised her eyebrows but Toto gave her a challenging look, his lips almost breaking into a smirk. 

Caroline took the seat and Toto asked the waiter to get them some wine before sitting down

She looked around and realized their table was rather in a private area of the restaurant. 

"So I am just a business deal to you?" Caroline asked, a smirk playing at the edge of her lips. 

"You know you are much more than that," Toto pointed out. 

"And yet you won't stop trying to convince me to move to Mercedes," Caroline argued back. 

"Well, you can't blame me for wanting my girlfriend to drive for my team," Toto smiled.

Caroline smiled as she gently pulled Toto for a kiss. 

"It's a torture to watch you drive for Red Bull," Toto added before kissing her once again. 

The waiter came back with the most expensive wine as per Toto's request earlier. 

"You really know how to make a girl feel special," Caroline said before taking a sip of the win. 

Toto let out a laugh as he also tested the wine. 

"I just wish we could do all this in public," Toto said honestly. "That's one of the reasons why I want you to move to Mercedes."

"Then I will be known as the driver who is dating her boss," Caroline pointed out. 

"So I guess there is no winning," Toto groaned. "But I have your contract ready, hope you change your mind before it's too late."


"When do you have to leave?" Caroline asked as she shifted close to Toto. She lifted her head slightly and Toto moved his arm to wrap it around her shoulder and pulled her even closer. 

He extended his other arm to reach for his wrist watch to look at the time. 

"I have to leave…now actually," He replied as he put the watch away, but didn't make any effort to leave the bed or Caroline's side. 

"Can't you stay a little longer?" She asked as she started to trace some patterns on his chest. 

"I wish I could," Toto replied as he looked at Caroline. "But it's an important meeting," He took her hand and absentmindedly played with her fingers. 

"What's so important about it?" She looked at him. 

"About some changes in the car for the next race," He replied without thinking, and his answer immediately raised Caroline's interest, but she knows she can't ask more questions. 

They stayed in each other's arms in silence for a few more minutes, just enjoying the company until Toto's phone started ringing. 

Before he could pick it up the call ended. 

He looked at the caller id and realized he is late for the meeting. 

"Now I really have to go," He said before kissing Caroline. 

Both reluctantly pulled away and Toto got out of the bed. Caroline watched as he got dressed. 

"Can we meet tonight?" Toto asked her as he buttoned up his shirt. 

"I don't think so," Caroline slightly pouted and shook her head. "I have to be at this dinner with the new sponsor."

"Who is the new sponsor?"

"I can't tell you," Caroline smiled. "Not until the sponsorship is official."

Toto nodded as he collected his wallet and wrist watch. He was hoping Caroline would give him more information but she is too sharp to do that. 

"I better get going," He leaned and kissed her again. Caroline wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer and the kiss deepened, tempting Toto to cancel the meeting and stay with her. 

But before anything else could happen Caroline pulled away. 

"You should go now," She smirked. "It doesn't look good when the boss is late for the meeting."

Toto sighed and gave her one last peck on her lips. 

"Call me when you are back from the dinner, I will come over later tonight," He said before putting on his coat. 

Caroline smiled and nodded as she sat up and leaned against the headboard. 

Toto gave her one last look before walking out. 

Once he got inside the car he pulled out his phone and made a call. 

"Red Bull has a new possible sponsor. Find out who it is and try to stop that sponsorship from happening."

Caroline sat patiently as she listened to Toto's car driving away. She let out a deep breath as a conflict was happening in her mind, a tug between her loyalty to her team and her relationship with Toto. 

She picked up her phone and called her team principal as loyalty won. 

"Mercedes is bringing in some changes to their car, we need to step up our game."


A/N: it felt so wrong to write after the last chapter and Lewis x Caroline happy ending.

Thoughts on Toto and Care?

I don't think I will continues writing about this pair but how do you think their relationship will go?

I am probably going to delete this chapter later

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