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After her trip to New York Caroline was slowly starting to forget about Max and the kiss they shared and she was doing everything in her power to forget about Lewis. But unfortunately, the next race was only a couple of days away and she will have to face both of them. Lewis was the easy one, she can just avoid him and anyone from Mercedes but it's Max she is worried about, there is no way escaping him.

"Daniel is planning on throwing a party after the Monaco GP," Eloise told her friends of her brother's plan as they sat around the table at the restaurant, waiting for their dinner to arrive.

"I know," Caroline replied. "He kept texting me last night about it. Even called me after midnight once I stopped replying to his texts."

Daniel and Caroline have become close friends in the last couple of years and of course, having Max as a mutual friend helped them. But sometimes Daniel's sense of boundaries goes numb and Caroline ends up being the victim.

"Just block his number," Eloise shrugged. "I do it all the time."

Caroline chuckled.

"Is Max going to be at the party?" Florence asked, hoping to run into the driver. She would try that during the race weekend but she has learned in the past that Max gives no unnecessary attention to anyone outside of the team during race weekend.

"Probably, but he hasn't confirmed it yet."

"And remember, he has a girlfriend," Caroline added as she gave a warning look to her friend.

Florence's excited smile slightly faded.


Max was annoyed and easily irritated and everyone around him was either staying clear of him or trying to figure out why. He even snapped at his girlfriend a couple of times which resulted in arguments. The reason is he saw photos of Caroline having a good time with Lewis, which despite him trying so hard to ignore messed up his emotions and brain.

When Caroline walked into the Red Bull hospitality she was stunned to hear the familiar voice yelling at someone. As she walked towards the cafeteria she saw a couple of employees standing, more like too scared to move as Max was yelling at a poor employee who was almost on the verge of crying.

"What is going on?" she cautiously approached.

Max's face slightly soften but the anger was still there.

"I was in a rush and...I was not looking and accidentally spilled coffee on him," the poor employee stuttered, hoping Caroline can save her from the Dutch driver.

Max was about to yell again but Caroline came in between them.

"I am apologizing on his behalf, he is having a bit of a bad day. You can leave," she said softly, giving a small smile.

The employee was too scared to look at Max who was glaring at her. She gave a thankful nod to Caroline before rushing out of the room.

Caroline looked at the few audiences who were snapped back to reality and left immediately.

"Come with me," Caroline hold Max's wrist and dragged him to her driver's room. He didn't protest as he was too busy controlling his anger and trying not to snap at Caroline also.

She immediately closed the door once they were both inside the room.

"What is wrong with you?" she snapped, glaring at him. "Even Christian is worried. He told you yelled at the entire garage as soon as you arrived. You can't go around yelling at people like that."

HIM AND I - Max Verstappen x OC x Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now