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Valtteri x Caroline

Caroline lazily opened her eyes, still not awake enough to recognize her surroundings. She blinked a few times and tried to stretch her body, but couldn't as she felt an arm around her. She already knew who it was. 

For months now she and Valtteri have been sleeping together, having a friends with benefit arrangement. 

She slowly turned her head and found him sleeping peacefully. A gentle smile appeared on her face as she remembered last night. Both didn't do anything other than just talk the entire night. 

She gently traced his cheek thinking about how genuine he was last night and their heart to heart conversation. The smile on her face faded as she remembered the boundaries they both set, which was that there would be no emotional strings between them and she has lied to herself for days that she has not developed any feelings for him. 

Caroline quickly pulled her hand away and tried to remove Valtteri's arm around her waist so that she could leave, but to her surprise the grip of his arm only tightened. 

"Val.." She slightly gasped and looked at him. 

"Please stay," Valtteri said as she opened his eyes. 

"I can't," Caroline reluctantly said. 

"Yes you can," Valtteri gave her a small smile. "You are just scared."

"This is not what we agreed on," She looked at him. "We already crossed the line last night, I don't want to make things too complicated."

Valtteri sighed as he shifted slightly, but his eyes still fixated on Caroline. 

"I know you are stubborn, but you will be the one making things complicated if you leave right now," He said bluntly and completely straight forward. "If last night was any indication…"

"Last night meant…" Caroline tried to cut him off. 

"You would be lying if you say last night meant nothing," Valtteri argued. 

Caroline was taken aback and didn't know how to argue. 

"What are you afraid of?" Valtteri asked. "Are you afraid that you have developed feelings for me and I don't feel the same about you?"

"How do you… " She lightly gasped. "I don't have any feelings for you," She lied but fortunately Valtteri saw right through her. 

Caroline removed his arm and sat up. 

"I have to go Val," She got out of bed. 

Valtteri quickly got out of bed and stood in front of Caroline, blocking her way. 

"Don't do this," She said softly, but her eyes told a completely different thing. 

" I know you hate making yourself vulnerable in front of others, even me," Valtteri said softly. "So I will go first…"

Caroline was confused, yet a part of her knew what was happening. 

"Valtteri, I am.."

"I like you," He gave her a small yet hopeful smile. "I have liked you for months now and last night just…it just made me realize my feelings for you are much stronger…"

Caroline's lips slightly parted and her heart started beating faster. She never thought that he might feel the same way. 

"You are lying.." She cautiously said. 

"Why would I lie?" Valtteri chuckled. "I like you Caroline, I like you a lot," He gently put his hand on her cheek and caressed it with his thumb. 

"What if…what if I tell you that I feel the same about you?" She nervously asked. 

"Then I would say that we should give ourselves a chance."


One year later

Caroline laughed as she threw the snowball and it hit Valtteri's face. Instead of getting angry he wiped his face with his gloved hand and smiled before chasing after Caroline. 

"I am sorry, I am sorry" Caroline put her hands up in surrender and laughed as she tried to get away from him but it was too late, he already tackled her and both fell into the snow. 

"No you are not," Valtteri said as he gently hit her face with a bit of snow. 

"You are the worst," Caroline laughed. 

Valtteri wiped her face to clearly see her bright smile. 

Her laugh faded as she noticed Valtteri staring at her, with nothing but love and admiration in his eyes. 

She slowly pulled him closer and pressed her lips against him, and he instantly kissed her back. 

"I need to ask you something," Caroline said nervously as soon as they let go of each other. "It's okay if you are not ready but…"

"What is it?" Valtteri asked. 

"I was thinking and…"

"You do that a lot," He chuckled, earning a light punch in his arm. 

"I was thinking and I.. I feel like we are ready to take the next step in our relationship," She looked at him. 

Valtteri was confused for a second but realization hit him. 

"Are you saying that…"

"Would you like to move in with me?" Caroline asked, her lips almost breaking into a smile. 

"Yes," Valtteri let out a laugh and kissed her again. "Let's move in together."

Caroline smiles as he stood up and soon after pulled her up too. 

Valtteri quickly checked his pocket if the tiny velvet box was still safely there, and was relieved to find that it was. 

Caroline asked him to move in with her and both took a big step. He didn't want to overwhelm her with the question he wanted to ask her, the reason he planned this ski trip. But he knows that another perfect day will arrive soon for him to ask Caroline to be his wife. 

"Are you okay?" Caroline asked as she caught Valtteri thinking. 

"Yeah," He smiled. "Just thinking about our future and how much I love you."

Caroline blushed and kissed him again. 

"I love you too."


A/N: And that's a wrap!!

I know this chapter is a bit cheesy but nothing else was coming to my mind so...

I am not happy with this chapter so I will probably delete this later

(Not going to post here anymore. Now my full focus is going to be Race 2, unless I decide to start another book)

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