7 - Counting stars

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"I feel something so right doing the wrong thing." – Counting Stars by OneRepublic

" – Counting Stars by OneRepublic

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Friday, May 17th, 2013

"One, Two, Three..."


"Crap. They're still not in sync. Do we do it after you say 3 or when you say 3?" Noah asked as he ruffled his perfect hair.

"On three means when I say three, Noah." I explained for the hundredth time.

"Okay, let's do it one more time. But let me count this time."

"Okay, go!"

"On three! One, Two, Three!"


"Hold on, let's listen." He raised his hand, signaling for me to zip it. I swallowed back the words that almost made it out of my mouth and held my breath as the movies started playing.

"Yay!!!!" I squealed once I made sure the movies were synchronized.

We were on a date. Yes, you read that right; I said date, DATE-date. Noah had finally asked me out. He said, and I quote, "I want you. I want you so bad, Mer. Go out with me." while licking his perfect plump lips and staring at me with those perfect sparkly eyes.

Guess what I said? Guess. I got time.

Nothing. I said nothing. I simply got up from where I was sprawled up on the couch and bolted to the bathroom to throw up. In my defense, that was last Tuesday, the day he sent me the package, and I was still sick. But after cleaning up and promising him I would see a doctor, I gleefully accepted.

Noah then went on to tell me that despite the hurdles of a long-distance relationship, there was no one else he'd rather do it with. While I was overjoyed, my resolve didn't break. I was still nervous over the fact that we hadn't seen each other in a very long time, and I didn't want to begin a relationship before we spent some time in person.

We were both in the midst of taking our finals, and because he wasn't taking any classes in the summer, he said he'd try to come to see me after his finals, possibly in June. Until then, we had decided to go on a virtual date every Friday night.

Our first one, the previous Friday, was pretty low-key. We had gone out for a walk at our local parks, grabbed some Ice-cream and sat and talked through FaceTime for hours.

Our little hiatus had served as a wake-up call for both of us. It was like we realized that what we had was special, and like everything else that was special in the world, it needed nurturing and care. So, we did just that. Nurtured and cared for our relationship.

We never spoke of those strange few days again. Noah never brought Nick up; I never brought his brother up. It was like it never happened. While I still had so many questions I wanted to ask, he had done everything he could to get us back to where we were, and I didn't want to ruin our progress.

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