8 - Die for you

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"Even though we're going through it, and it makes you feel alone. Just know that I would die for you." -Die for you, by The Weeknd

" -Die for you, by The Weeknd

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Thursday, June 13th, 2013

9:20 PM

My turn signals kept making ticking noises as I switched from one lane to the other. I was maneuvering through the jam-packed crowd, driving around without an itinerary.

The weather was so un-June-like, especially for California. The moon hid behind the squashed clouds, contributing to the gloomy night, and the sky was filled with angry clouds releasing drizzle, tinting the city grey.

My windshield wiper kept squeaking as it went left to right, attempting to clean the raindrops from my window. My heart kept leaping and whirling behind my ribcage like a prisoner struggling to break out, and my fisted hand pounded on my sternum, trying to ease the pain.

My tears had dried long ago, but my face was still damp. Despite the rain, it was a humid summer night and sweat was leaking through my pores.

My phone kept vibrating as I drove around, Noah clogging my line incessantly. I figured as much. He sounded miserable when we hung up. He couldn't even finish his sentences. But so was I. I was also subdued; I was also miserably upset with the sudden turn of events.

I wasn't trying to ignore his calls; I just wanted some space to calm myself down. I had to bid him goodbye before I cried my eyes out in his presence and made him feel worse. I was hit with so many emotions all at once that I didn't even know exactly what I was feeling. Was I mad I had my hopes up? Was I angry at myself for lying to my parents? Was I even mad? Was I mad I wasn't mad?

All I knew was that I wasn't mad at Noah. God, no. I could never be upset with him for doing the most responsible thing. As bad as the night had turned, him making that last-minute decision ultimately ended up being what was best for both of us.

Truth be told, the fact that he had put his family and his job first made me admire him a little more. Noah was a hardworking, ambitious man, who never looked down on certain jobs and never took opportunities for granted. He worked day and night tirelessly, never once complaining and always striving for success. What son of a wealthy man worked at an auto repair shop and a run-down bar? Exactly.

Noah was also loyal to a fault. He respected his family and had told me on many occasions how thankful he was to them for providing him with such a good life. He often felt like he owed them for it. He was reliable and didn't like letting people down. I could only imagine how hard it must have been for him to not board that plane.

Those were the qualities of his I loved so much. How could I be mad that he stayed true to himself? I would've judged him had he put a girl he had known for less than four months before his family and future.

And besides, wouldn't it be hypocritical of me if I expected him to give up what he's worked for his entire life to just come and see me? Albeit, I lied to my parents and prioritized him over them; I was essentially putting my school first, wasn't I? I could skip some classes and go see him if I wanted to. I could, but I wouldn't because I have worked so hard to come this far and I wouldn't compromise my hard work for anyone, not even Noah. How can I expect him to do something I wouldn't do? How can I be mad at him for doing the right thing?

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