Chapter 9

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Third Person POV

While they still laughing from the repair ship's joke, an other ship has joined the conversation.

?? : "It seems that you have solved the problem"

Atlantis:"ah, Eugen. Yes, I managed to solved it. And it seems that bismarck have called me"

Eugen:"my~ still sharp as usual?~"

Atlantis:"of course~. Girls, I think our conversation must end now. I have a meeting to attend"


Atlantis then part away from her friend and go to the bismarck's office with Eugen.

Eugen:" Honestly, I surprised that you managed to improve our reparation process"

Atlantis:"my~ even you surprised about it? That's unusual~"

Eugen:"of course~. But I'm glad, it looks like our faction will become stronger"

When they still walking, Atlantis start to feel dizzy and stumble on her walk.

Eugen:"hmm? Are you alright?"

Atlantis:"ne-nein, I just feeling a little dizzy"

Eugen:" Did you sleep properly while doing your research?"

Atlantis:"nein, I only sleep 1 or 2 hours at night"

Eugen:"that's unhealty. Do you want me to carry you like a princess?~"

Atlantis:"danke for your offer but I think I'll keep walking on my own"



In Front Of Bismarck's Office

Eugen:"*knock *knock Bismarck it's me, Eugen"

Bismarck:"come in"

They entering to the room. In the room itself, there are 2 shipgirls sit on the sofa. Eugen and Atlantis then sit on the chair.

Bismarck:" It seems that everyone are present. Today I want to inform you the news about the situation that happening"

Bismarck:"first of all, I want to congratulate Atlantis. You've been passed the test, now you are officially an Ironblood member"

Atlantis:" Danke Bismarck. I shall pledge my loyalty to our faction and never betray it"

Bismarck:"gut. Not only that, because of the research that have been conducted by Atlantis, our reparation process will getting faster. Usually it needed 9 days but now it need just a few hours until 1 day to repair our ship"

Tirpitz:" That's a significant improvement........"

Bismarck:"ja. As for the second news is about the siren activity that increased drastically in the Norway Sea. Our high command have ordered us to eliminate the siren threat"

(Random reader:"hey author, aren't Norway sea is a part of Norway territory?. Why these german girls can freely enter those territory?"
Author:"yup. But since there is no shipgirl faction represent the Norway navy, I decided to make Norway the nation that included to the Ironblood's influence sphere. So the Ironblood shipgirls can freely access the sea")

Graf:" I thought we already destroyed them before "

Bismarck:" Always remember that the siren has an insane ability to recover their fleet"

Atlantis:"so what do you want to do?"

Bismarck:"I want to mobilize a fleet that consisting 1 battleship,1 aircraft carrier, 2 heavy cruisers, 3 light cruisers, and 4 destroyers to neutralize the siren threat. I will personally command the fleet. Graf, Eugen, Hipper, all the konigsberg class, and 4 other destroyers will participated in this operation. Do you understand? "

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