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Louis related to Lottie the next day what had passed between Mr. Wickham and himself. Lottie listened with astonishment and concern; she knew not how to believe that Mr. Styles could be so unworthy of Mr. Horan's regard.
"We have only heard one side of the story. Perhaps Mr. Styles had a good reason to do what he did. One does not know what to think."

"I beg your pardon; one knows exactly what to think." Louis snorted.

"Don't be like that, Louis." Lottie reprimanded but Louis just rolled his eyes at her.

Later that day yet another invitation to a ball at Netherfield arrived. Louis sighed internally but his sisters were excited.

Netherfield was once again decorated to look like a fairytale castle. Louis didn't see Mr. Wickham amongst the people but that didn't surprise him. He would also stay as far away as possible from the man who had wronged him. Daisy and Phoebe got asked to dance immediately. Louis spotted Mr. Lucas and went over to greet him. Fizzy got asked to dance and Louis see Niall rush over to Lottie and that made him smile.
"May I have this dance?"

The request made him too shocked to decline and he found himself entering the dancefloor with Mr. Styles. They moved to the music in silence. Louis tried to make conversation and made a comment about the music but Mr. Styles merely hummed.
"It is your turn to say something now, Mr. Styles. I talked about the music, and you ought to make some sort of remark on the size of the room, or the number of couples."

Mr. Styles smiled and assured him that whatever he wished him to say should be said.

"Very well. That reply will do for the present. Perhaps by and by I may observe that private balls are much pleasanter than public ones. But now we may be silent." Louis laughed.

"Do you talk by rule, then, while you are dancing?" Harry asked, sounding amused.

"Sometimes. One must speak a little, you know." Louis replied, equally amused.

He made no answer, and they were again silent. Louis wouldn't have it.
"I made a new acquaintance the other day, Mr. Wickham. As I understand you know each other?"

The effect was immediate. Mr. Styles features harden and so did his grip of Louis' waist.
"Mr. Wickham is blessed with such happy manners as may ensure his making friends, whether he may be equally capable of retaining them, is less certain."

"He has been so unlucky as to lose your friendship," Louis replied with emphasis, "and in a manner which he is likely to suffer from all his life."

Mr. Styles made no answer, and seemed desirous of changing the subject. Phoebe bumped into them while she was dancing widely with one of the officers.
"Forgive me, the interruption has made me forget what we were talking of." Harry said.

"We have tried two or three subjects already without success, and what we are to talk of next I cannot imagine." Louis laughed.

"What think you of books?" Harry asked with a smile.

"Books? I'm not much of a reader I'm afraid." Louis smiled.

Luckily the song ended and Louis took a bow and returned to his family without another word. A half-hour later Mr. Horan asked him to dance and he immediately complied. As soon as they had entered the dancefloor Niall spoke up.
So, Louis, I hear you are quite delighted with George Wickham! Your sister has been talking to me about him."

"Quite delighted might be an overstatement but I have shared a conversation with him." Louis replied.

"Let me recommend you, however, as a friend, not to give implicit confidence to all his assertions; for as to Mr. Styles using him ill, it is perfectly false; for, on the contrary, he has always been remarkably kind to him, though George Wickham has treated Mr. Styles in a most infamous manner. I do not know the particulars, but I know very well that Mr. Styles is not in the least to blame." Niall said gravely.

"I will take that into consideration." Louis mumbled.

"Harry is a good man, Louis." Niall smiled.

Louis returned the smile without replying. He didn't want to offend Mr. Horan who thought so highly of his friend. As soon as the dance was over he managed to find Charlotte for a private conversation.
"I want to know what you have learnt about Mr. Wickham?"

"I have nothing satisfactory to tell you. Mr. Horan does not know the whole of his history but became very upset that we questioned Mr. Styles' honor and assured me that Mr. Wickham is by no means a respectable young man and has deserved to lose Mr. Styles' regard." Lottie replied.

"Mr. Horan does not know Mr. Wickham personally?" Louis questioned.

"No." Lottie confirmed.

"This account then is what he has received from Mr. Styles. I am satisfied. I have not a doubt of Mr. Horan's sincerity, but you must excuse my not being convinced by assurances only. Mr. Horan's defense of his friend was a very able one, I dare say; but since he is unacquainted with several parts of the story, and has learnt the rest from that friend himself, I shall venture to still think of both gentlemen as I did before." Louis said.

"I believe it's unfair to judge anyone in this scenario. We don't know the full story." Lottie replied wisely.

"You're too kind Lottie." Louis smiled.

When the ball ended he had a million questions in his head while he returned home with his family. The history between Mr. Wickham and Mr. Styles didn't add up but he was declined to take Mr. Wickham's side in the matter. The man had sounded so sincere.

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