The Bad Touch

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Chapter Seven: The Bad Touch

"We should buy fireworks." Reed suggests to my mom.

As I suspect she freaks. "Fireworks?! Do you know how dangerous they are?" I remember the time Steve brought home some fireworks and set them off in the backyard. Mom got so pissed at him, I’d never seen her that angry…

Anyways, there's still two weeks until the Fourth of July but tents full of fireworks have been spreading like aids.

Did I really just...Reed is rubbing off on me.

Literally, lately he's been more touchy feely and it's driving me nuts!

What's with this guy?!

Oh yeah, he's Reed.

"Darn," he sighs and sits back into his seat. Then he turns to me and smirks. "When we get to the fair are Caleb and I allowed to run off by ourselves?"

I forgot to mention the state fair is starting up and my parents entered two of our alpaca's in the petting zoo thing.

Mom is hesitant so dad answers for her, "You're almost adults. Of course you can."

I smile. Dad always lets me get away with things mom doesn't. He thinks I should be free, while mom wants me to stay her little baby forever.

"But have your cell phones on at all times!" Mom adds quickly.

"We will!" I'm a little excited for the fair. We get to stay for the whole week. And since we entered the alpacas Reed and I can do pretty much anything, for free! The only downside is we have to help clean up and sleep in a little tent for a week.

Dad isn't staying the whole week, and Steve stayed at home to watch the house. I have a feeling leaving him there is a bigger risk than leaving the house empty. He likes to throw parties. Messy weird parties.

"Sweet!" Reed beams, sliding his hand on my thigh. He squeezes it before I have the time to push it off.

I hate him so much.

"I haven't been to a fair in, well ever." Reed's eyes shoot from one thing to another. He really is like a puppy. Then I realize he's checking girls out, not being amazed by all the fair...stuff.

"Your father and I are going to set the alpaca up, you guys can go off. Remember! Don't talk to strangers!"

We both nod before heading off.

“I’m so hungry!” Reed complains pushing us through the crowd. Being around him isn’t all bad, he gets us places faster and (can’t believe I’m admitting this) but he can actually be funny.


I sigh let him pull me to the ally of food trucks. Yes that does mean I’m actually letting him touch me. But in all fairness it’s hot and theirs too many loud people around to try and stop him. We’re not that far anyway. It’s not like he’ll be touching me long.

Well if these people don’t move...

We could be here all day.

“Your mom said you and I can share a tent,” Reed wiggles his eyebrow. “I’ll be sleeping right next to you now.”

“You’re still sleeping on your own bed and if you dare touch me while I’m sleeping I’ll get Josie to kill you.” Reed admitted he has a fear of that girl. I really wish she could have come along, but for some reason her parents think I’m some sort of pervert who wants to get into her pants. They’re not too fond of me.

Then again they hate Ethan too. Maybe it’s just boys in general.

“Please don’t” He pouts. “That chick is the devil’s spawn.”

I chuckle softly. “Aw, bad boy Reed afraid of a girl! You know she’s only fifteen right?”

Reed turns a soft pink color.

Ha, I got him.

After we get our food, Reed pushes our away over to the small eating area. We sit at a not so crowed picnic table. Right next to each other.

“So Caleb ever had a girlfriend?”


“Was she hot?”

“She was six.” Wait! Reed might take that the wrong way! I made it seem like some sort of-

“Whoa! Okay! So you dig younger chicks. That’s not that weird...not at all?” By the expression on Reed’s face it was weird. Very ,very weird.

I blush in embarrassment. “I was seven!” I glare.

“Then you’ve never had a girlfriend, it doesn’t count until you’re thirteen.” He smirks proudly. “I’ve had five and two boyfriends. Not to mention all the one night stands.”

I roll my eyes. “Good for you Reed. Aids are fun.”

He really needs to learn life isn’t just about sleeping with hoes and doing drugs- or whatever he does. Life should be lived to the fullest, but uh, full of good things. Not bad ones.

“Mmmh, but you want to know what else is fun?” Reed suggestively pushes a French fry into his mouth.


“Sure! But let me finish eating first!” He winks at me.

I shake my head and stare down at my hamburger. There goes my appetite. I’m not really sure why Reed says all this stuff to me. It’s not like he actually means it or anything. It must get old eventually. But yet he keeps doing it! Can’t he see it annoys me?

“Aw, princess did I upset you.” He leans over on me. I push him off.

“Can you please just stop with the whole ‘trying to get me in the sac’ thing. It’s not very funny Reed.” I’m not exactly sure why it upsets me so much, it just does.

He freezes and licks his lips nervously. I don’t think he’s going to agree at first, but of course he doesn’t. “Why’d you have to say it like that?”

I look over at him in confusion. “What do you mean? I said exactly what you’ve been trying to do. ‘Get me in the sac’.”

He sighs, “No Caleb I meant the last part. Why’d you say it sarcastically? Or uh like I’m not actually trying...”

“Because you aren’t.” I say bluntly. “Why would you be? I’m just dorky Caleb who’s never been kissed and his only ‘girlfriend’ broke up with him after two minutes.”

Reed takes a deep breath. “Now what makes you think I’m not into dorky boys?”

I shrug.

“Well it just so happens I am!”

Not really believing him, I just nod it off. It’s not like I should care anyways. I’m not gay, or bi, or whatever else there is. This conversation is pointless.

“Fine! Don’t believe me!” Reed grumbles. “But I like you Caleb! You’re just too blind to see it!”


*sigh* still no ten votes. We did better last chapter but no double update for you. Sorry 3X 

I feel like some people don't read these and they're really important....

So if you haven't gotten a dedication yet and you want one put a 69 (heh) at the end of your comment. 

Sorry this chapter was crap! Next will be better! I swear! 

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